will defo play this ,the rest of the week ,but not tonight ,as i am being treated to a night out by my other half ,few drinks and a indian ,as its me birthday one night of the poker cant hurt ,surely . nice idea by the way maxally ,hope its a great success for you ,,TEN Posted by TENOFSPADE
Nice one!!
Stick a Review of the place on ma Wine & Dining Thread in 'The Shed' !! LOL
will defo play this ,the rest of the week ,but not tonight ,as i am being treated to a night out by my other half ,few drinks and a indian ,as its me birthday one night of the poker cant hurt ,surely . nice idea by the way maxally ,hope its a great success for you ,,TEN Posted by TENOFSPADE
Cheers TOS. Have a good night out mate and happy birthday! Have a couple for me )
will defo play this ,the rest of the week ,but not tonight ,as i am being treated to a night out by my other half ,few drinks and a indian ,as its me birthday one night off the poker cant hurt ,surely . nice idea by the way maxally ,hope its a great success for you ,,TEN Posted by TENOFSPADE
Hope SKY will give you a bonus...............many Happy Returns...........and vwd to Alan and Sky for getting this on, judging by the entries it's gonna be a hugh success.
will defo play this ,the rest of the week ,but not tonight ,as i am being treated to a night out by my other half ,few drinks and a indian ,as its me birthday one night off the poker cant hurt ,surely . nice idea by the way maxally ,hope its a great success for you ,,TEN Posted by TENOFSPADE
Happy Birthday Ten, another duvet lifter eh, ur missus must be a glutton for punishment.
Stick a Review of the place on ma Wine & Dining Thread in 'The Shed' !! LOL
Happy Birthday, Have a great time!!
85 now registered and still over three hours to go
I'm in
Great Idea Maxally. Hope it goes well.
Count me in
tikay took down a locked league tourny
This managed to pull in 505 players!!!!
Top idea Maxxy
GL Everyone
hopefully will manage to play at least one, so I hope it becomes a regular fixture
check this exit hand, makes it all seem a waste!
came 12th
Great idea Max !!
And it never even put me off qualifying for the Sky rollers YIPPPEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!