Hi all, Yes, it's the midweek TSP Classic comp. But this week I'm playing it on Wednesday night because I spent Tuesday and Wednesday recording commentary for our new live cash game show. By the start of the tournament tonight I will have spent a total of 22 hours in a tiny booth with Tikay- so I might be seriously tilting when I play. Unfortunately, there isn't a big Premiership or Champions League game on tonight so this week it's very simple... Where will I finish in the Wednesday Night TSP Classic? It's free to enter, closest prediction wins free entry to a TSP Classic on a night to suit and in the event of a tie the winner will be whoever posted first. Feel free to come and rail me in the tourney tomorrow and feel even freer to enter the tournament itself to play alongside me. It's one of the best games on the site. Let's be having those predictions then and good luck! The comp closes as soon as the first hand is dealt at 9pm! Posted by RICHORFORD
might be me being stupid but why record for a live show?
In Response to Pin the tail on the donkey: predict my performance in tonight's TSP Classic to win free entry! : might be me being stupid but why record for a live show? Posted by sara36dd08
36th has already been guessed, could you check the list on page 3 and maybe have another guess?
59th has gone, want to try again?, if it helps, have a look at the list on page 3
Check the list, page 3, reckon that is the winner