All my good play and to be beat like this annoys the **** out of me
Hand History #370629473 (17:42 11/05/2011)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancewhySmall blind 3000.003000.0037920.00dinky1234Big blind 6000.009000.004305.00 Your hole cards10A adz777Raise 12000.0021000.0039734.36james19708Call 12000.0033000.00139341.96MJ488Fold whyFold dinky1234Fold Flop 810A adz777Check james19708Check Turn 4 adz777Bet 6000.0039000.0033734.36james19708Raise 60000.0099000.0079341.96adz777All-in 33734.36132734.360.00james19708Unmatched bet 20265.64112468.7299607.60adz777Show10A james19708Show44 River 3 james19708WinThree 4s112468.72 212076.32
Bet slightly stronger pre, have to bet flop. But still pretty darn gross bud.