Running all day, every day for all the 8pm mains and special 1 off events such as the high roller.
For example tonights 22 quid main would have a 6 seater sng sat, 3.66 to enter (+rake), with the winner taking the ticket to the tournament.
The High roller would have 6 seater sats
@18.33 + rake with winner taking all, and 10 seater sng sats costing £11 with 1 seat for the winner.
etc etc etc.
Obvious benefits -.....
- people will stop asking for all kinda sats that end up never running.
- available to people who work late and can't make the 5pm main sat.
- An alternative to mtt sats, will probably encourage more sng regs to play the sats, resulting in bigger fields in the 8pm mains.
Negatives -
There aren't any.
nevermind great idea anyway
I cant see why 2 people have voted no!
This idea is full of win! I'd deffo play these!
If this idea dosent get made then its a bigger "Bad Beat" than the one i gave you a Month Back ( Check BBV to see for yourself).
In all Seriousness DOHHH its one of those ideas thats good for everyone involved , lets hope SKY can make this happen
Voted Yes.