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THEROCK573THEROCK573 Member Posts: 2,550
edited May 2011 in Poker Chat
not a winning player by any means but have done well in a few decent tournaments, anyway my problem is lately when ever i get my self a big stack early on 2 minutes later ive got in to many pots which i shouldnt be in and ive blew my stack away, i say to myself before the start of each touney not to make the same mistake again yet i go and do it again!!!!


  • cassit1222cassit1222 Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2011
    the reason  there are winners is because of people like us
  • POKERTREVPOKERTREV Member Posts: 9,607
    edited May 2011
    In Response to RUSH OF BLOOD TO THE HEAD!!!!:
    not a winning player by any means but have done well in a few decent tournaments, anyway my problem is lately when ever i get my self a big stack early on 2 minutes later ive got in to many pots which i shouldnt be in and ive blew my stack away, i say to myself before the start of each touney not to make the same mistake again yet i go and do it again!!!!
    Posted by THEROCK573
    The problem here is - if you are getting yourself a big stack early on it probably means you are most likely to be either:

    A: A player that is likely to commit all his stack too early (Resulting in a double up or an early exit)
    B: A player that plays very loose once he has a decent stack (Calling station in my book)
    C: A player that is unable to fold a hand after the flop (Even if he knows he is likely to be behind)

    Our main aim in any tourney is to build our stack without commiting all our chips on any one hand (Unless the community cards have all been dealt and we have an unbeatable hand)

    When we have premium hands, we want to build a pot and increase our stack - we DO NOT want to shove and just pick up the blinds (WE want other players & chips in the pot) But whilst we are trying to build a pot we also have to re-evaluate the community cards to ensure we are not commiting our stack to a flushing or straightening board for instance.

    It's not all about having the best hand pre-flop
    It's not all about having the best hand once the flop has been dealt
    Position & table image are all important.

    Pocket pairs, connecting cards and suited cards should always be raised pre-flop, if we hit against the calling station then(Fantastic) if we don't we have the power to make a continuation, half pot or even a pot bet etc on the flop to take it down without even hitting a hand.

    Remember: We can raise pre-flop with any two - it's what we do with it when the community cards are dealt that counts. (You need to make a player think we have the best hand, we don't always need to have the best hand)

    But always be prepared to fold - even if you think you have the best hand (There's always a better spot)

    Good Luck at the tables.

    (Pot building for the win - Insta shove for the exit door) 
  • scotty77scotty77 Member Posts: 4,970
    edited May 2011
    tyr multi-tabling.  you'll get to see a lot more flops with decent holdings rather than average/marginal ones.  this should help you keep focused and stop you from doing off a big stack.  GL
  • EyemanEyeman Member Posts: 1,039
    edited May 2011
    I think we have all been guilty of this (I did a blog about it recently).

    I think there is such a thing as positive tilt. That is you double-up and double-up again, and so you think you can't lose. Your range widens, and before you know it, you're back where you started.

    Look at your hand history. When you got those chips, had you over-committed? Did you honestly have the nuts when you committed? In short, did you get your stack by good play, or by luck?

    In most tournaments on Sky, it is possible (if you know how to play) to build your stack - keeping it is another matter (even before we look at variance).
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