H i Anna and Carlo, good luck with the show. The strangest tournament experience i ever seen was funnily enough at SPT Leeds on the friday. In the £50 freeze-out, there was this guy who obviously had consumed too much alcohol., anyway he quickly became chip-leader up to over 20k from a 10k starting stack, then disappeared after the first break with still oer 15k in play. Presumably he returned to his hotel in a drunken slumber...............i have no idea who he was............he almost cashed also. Posted by JAEGERBOMB
In Response to Re: ******* Thursday night £12k Gtd Bounty Hunter OFFICIAL SHOW THREAD******* : Now wonder who that was David mate ? Posted by HAPPYNIGE4
i have no idea, Nige..............and i cant repeat the other rumours about him...................he took out one of those super-injuctions things so must remain anonymous apparently
In Response to Re: ******* Thursday night £12k Gtd Bounty Hunter OFFICIAL SHOW THREAD******* : Hmmmm I'll add Mandy Moo to my list of nicknames, thank you.....Am I on twitter - yes. Do I ever tweet - no. Pointless - yes. Your new picture - no comment. Enjoy the show Posted by Sky_Mandy
Oh thanks im gonna cry first get rub off then no point even stalking i mean following you on twitter run wrorse
Hi Anna and Carlo, hope you have a great show as always. One of the strangest things I ever saw at a live event was whilst playing a sit n Go at a local pub, One of the players got up from his chair a little bit awkwardly to say the least (that old alcohol thing yet again) and fell over we all heard the crack as he did so, but he refused point blank to go to A&E although we knew he'd busted his ankle BIG TIME he carried on to finish on the cash bubble and was promptly carted off to the local hosp.
In Response to Re: ******* Thursday night £12k Gtd Bounty Hunter OFFICIAL SHOW THREAD******* : Evening Barry - Yes, our editors here at Sky HQ have been hard at this week, and have managed to get the first batch of SPT Leeds footage ready for your viewing pleasure this evening......so, don't disappear during the breaks this evening! The rest of the footage will be aired throughout Saturday and Sundays live shows. And, as for your second question......... NEVER!!! Posted by Sky_Mandy
Hi Anna and Carlo, hope you have a great show as always. One of the strangest things I ever saw at a live event was whilst playing a sit n Go at a local pub, One of the players got up from his chair a little bit awkwardly to say the least (that old alcohol thing yet again) and fell over we all heard the crack as he did so, but he refused point blank to go to A&E although we knew he'd busted his ankle BIG TIME he carried on to finish on the cash bubble and was promptly carted off to the local hosp. Posted by scouse_red
In Response to Re: ******* Thursday night £12k Gtd Bounty Hunter OFFICIAL SHOW THREAD******* : mandy, i refute and deny ALL ALLEGATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted by JAEGERBOMB
In Response to Re: ******* Thursday night £12k Gtd Bounty Hunter OFFICIAL SHOW THREAD******* : There are rebuys available in the £2.40 sats, but not in the £4.80 sats. Posted by Sky_Mandy
In Response to Re: ******* Thursday night £12k Gtd Bounty Hunter OFFICIAL SHOW THREAD******* : Hmmm, that's one more crossed off my Christmas list... Posted by Sky_Mandy
I have to say the did really enjoy the day at Leeds, I did settle down when the cards went in the air, I was grateful for what you said to me Carlo, it helped a great deal, and it was an honour to meet you ,and your mum.
hope you have a great show as always.
One of the strangest things I ever saw at a live event was whilst playing a sit n Go at a local pub, One of the players got up from his chair a little bit awkwardly to say the least (that old alcohol thing yet again) and fell over we all heard the crack as he did so, but he refused point blank to go to A&E although we knew he'd busted his ankle BIG TIME he carried on to finish on the cash bubble and was promptly carted off to the local hosp.
Can someone just clarify that the sats for the next SPT are NOT rebuys???
Thank you.
Have to say my worst experience at a tourny has to be my first SPT, Leeds, I had to go because I was ill
I have to say the did really enjoy the day at Leeds, I did settle down when the cards went in the air, I was grateful for what you said to me Carlo, it helped a great deal, and it was an honour to meet you ,and your mum.