As a 19 year old Student, My roll is limited, and I have only reloaded my account the other day to get
the feel for it again. I only deposited £10 but playing £1.15 DYM games have been able to take that balance
to £24.15. At what point would you advise me moving up to £2.20.
Unlike Cash Games, I feel the jump up in stakes doesnt make the game harder or the opponenets I play
any better than me, so the comfort factor should come into it.
Thanks JBuss
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Your defo good enough for the above level, when i played you sunday or firday i forget you have a good game just be strict about dropping down if you go below £20, only gives you 2 games leeway but if you win and keep it up then dont look back
GL mate
Thanks to you also
Il let you know how I get on in a few days
The reason I say this is my housemate plays around 8 an hour at £3 dym's doing ok, but loses at the £1 because the standard is so horrific.
You must be hitting a good rate to cash, but I bet the times you didnt it was down to villains horrendous play. Move up, your thinking will be more in alignment with the table, instead of the limp, call raise fest I have seen.
Ultimately everyones game is the same in dym, your not looking to win, just not to lose. But alot of people dont even think that far at £1
the reason you want to move up is because of the rake, sometimes it can help if you have someone who knows how to play them eg. call and shove ranges but i'll prefer 5 donkeys on my table anyday
I guarentee the £5's will be easier to cash in.
I dont really think it is a mis conception bud. In a way its harder than the nl4, as one significant mistake, your chance to cash is in jeaporday. NL4 & micro stakes you are pretty much playing with the cards in the air multi way, which is always going to be a very swingy game.
i generally play £5.50 ones which of recent i have been winning like 5/5 or 6/8, so although i do find them easy im just stating it will be easier to cash in the lower one. Although i do think variance is higher lower because half of them dont have a clue, Dohhh has it spot on(for a change
Anyway i am up for the challenge friday or sunday, like i say the sample is small so i could win all my fiver ones and only win 5/10 at £1 just the way it goes but still be good to have a small challenge, especially if we are on the same tables could be good for a bit of banter. How many tables will you be playing? i can play up to 4 really without it affecting me but if your doing 2 then i will too :P
Altho Ive never played the £1 games so cant say how the games are but if you can beat the £1 games the £3 games should be Ok for you and your winrate should increase, even when your roi decreases, obvoiusly.
My opinion on this just comes from watching my house mate (iluvto -beadonkey-h8pker). The standard action @ £3 and above seems pretty standard, but at the £1's is pure limp alooza! Also whats with all the pre flop 3 and 4 min betting with limps in the pot? Also the 1 BB bet through streets into 20xB pots??
It would drive me bonkers.
YG. Am out at live MTT's up until Monday, but will plug away a few a day then put up the result
My aim for £1.15 ones will be to cash 8/10, allow 2 for variance but obviously depends on the day. for a £5.50 one i'd be happy with 7/10 but give or take could easily give or take a couple
Yeah played Full time semi pro for about 32 months now, Live. Ran up a good BR online but burnt it like a crazy person 24 months ago, have not had the patience (and skill) to make another run at it. As most of you have said I'm in love with the pscological aspect of the game, my goals arent EV+ dominated, fully tuned to the thrill of the live game. Just play like an idiot online these days, beginning to see it more and more thanks to the clinic.