Hi all,
after a bit of advice in general.
Only been playing for 2/3 months. 3/4 times a week for fun but extra cash is always nice.
Started on 30p/60p DYM's and done OK. Migrated to £1.15/
Not sure why I was drawn to DYM's to be honest, prob just liked the format and it seemed the least scary place on the site!
Built up points and played some freerolls coming 2nd in one.
Tried a few MTT's and just missed out on the cash but enjoyed the time I got for my money! Made the money in one mini B/H.
I think my problem was i'm 10 on the TK nit scale, but as i'm still learning and couldn't afford to lose a lot of money I usually erred on the side of safety. I realised this was a BIG problem in my game and I learnt VERY quick.
I do a LOT of watching tables, read the clinic etc. In fact, you'll all prob be sick of my name soon, if not already!
MY questions are.
How did you folks start & progress in general?
Am I missing out on some valuable experience by staying in a comfort zone?
e.g. Should I dip a toe in the cash tables for more experience etc.?
ANY advice gratefully received.
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I started playing about 5 years ago. Back then it was mainly offline against a few friends after we'd all been watching Late Night Poker. I then signed upto a few different sites mainly because a football forum I was on started doing a weekly tournament.
From there I stuck with Sit 'n Go tournaments, then dabbled in a few MTT's and have now started to take cash games more seriously.
Most other sites i'm on i've never really stuck with any bank roll management but i've set myself rules on here that seem to be working.
Am I missing out on some valuable experience by staying in a comfort zone?
I'd say it depends what you want out of poker. I think we all start out doing it just for fun, then some people start to take it alot more seriously and want to become a better player. To do this you do have to put alot of time and effort into it and push yourself more.
e.g. Should I dip a toe in the cash tables for more experience etc.?Why not, i'd say every poker player should try all the different aspects of the game to find out which you enjoy more.
I'd also advise you to play a few of the deepstack tournaments, you get alot of play for your money and we all know the more you play the more you will learn.
Then I had to choose which real money game to play and being very new opted for DYM's, just 30p/60p to get an idea of how it works and they were quite fun to begin with, and seemed very secure in that you knew what you could lose. At this stage I decided to track all the games to get an idea of how I was performing rather than just go at it unprepared, in theory this is a wise move but it soon made me realise that the amount of time I was putting in for the amount of profit made was just terrible, also the pressure of knowing you HAVE to cash in like 7/10 etc to even make a little money didn't feel good. But the main reason I put an end to ALL DYM games was the pure mental torture you have to go through in each game, liturally folding every hand and that soul-destroying tactic of NOT going FTW.
Well whilst playing the DYM's I also played an Orfordable once a week (not sure if they stille exist) and found them to be much more enjoyable with more play and that great going FTW buzz that DYM's can NEVER give. These were 10 seaters though and although there were 6 seaters I strangely didn't feel comfortable playing that short in a deepy lol but luckily I played a few and soon realised they are BRILLIANT. So continued with these (£1.10/£2.20) and they've proved to be very profitable as they suit my game perfectly AGGRO.
However everything has a sell by date and even these have become repetitive lately so I've now switched to cash NL4. Did play cash before and built up around £40 but stopped when I found the Deepys but now hopefully I can continue with it for a bit longer and make some real progress, getting to £100 would feel very nice but I admit the tilt can be a battle sometimes but I am certainly combatting it better.
Overall I'd defo give cash a try but only where you can afford to lose the money so NL4 but if you do play there stay OFF my table ! lol
Nitty isn't a big problem at this level, provided you play your big hands aggressively and use that tight table image to make moves from the right position against the right opponent.
As you move up and come up against slightly better players you need to play a bigger range, but provided your making a profit you can work on that a step at a time.
Good luck
Great feedback Dude - thanks!
You are def right in the DYM security statement. That's prob why I chose DYM's!
You are also right in the torture! Blinding out an away is a nightmare!!
I'll prob give cash a whirl and your table will be second in my sights! After Dohhhh of course!