6 handed....
Mandatory min raise/straddle under the gun for everyone.....
win a hand w/ 52 diamonds and its 10x utg for 1 round for everyone but you.......
Sickest slowroll/rub down in chat whilstt slow-rolling....... wins a free round of 10x straddles.....
Post your interest here, if we get 3/4 I'll load 1 up, don't wanna load and end up with randomers.
Im out.
I woke up this morning with a very sore head and to this..
Table Charlton... -£42.47 (yes minus)
I blame Dohhhhhhh
It was a good fun game, and will be the first and last time i do 10+ buy ins in one session lol!
must remember the struuudle.
Nice BR damage Greg, makes me feel better about losing four buyins last time.
Got a couple of questions tho..
1. It did seem at times that it wasn't being taken TOO seriously? Is this a correct assumption based onknowing each other well?
2. Were the rules (?) just made up? i.e. the showing seeming to be erratic?
3. Could someone explain the straddle/struddle?
4. when I left Norbit&yurranASSet were on a roll - who won in the end?
Did learn a LOT tho!
A straddle is just a forced bet if you're entering a pot, I think it's usually twice the big blind. It's just used to create more action in a cash game. So say you're playing 2p/4p, the big blind is 4p so if you came into the pot you'd have to put in at least 8p.
Some live cash games use the 7/2 ruling, so any time you're dealt 7/2 and you win a hand each player has to give you a certain ammount of money.
I was the biggest fish on the table, with the worst seat position imo. having dohhhhh and lol_raise behind u is not ideal.
I was basically chucking buyins away, influenced heavily by a few drinks. but it was great fun!! I coulda got lucky and been a few buyins up though, just the way it went.
I dont like giving money to a gooner tho! Norbit... booooooo