Ok chaps and chappesses, here's your lowdown on 865 this weekend.
James Hartigan and Trevor Harris are joined in the studio by poker journalist and SPT final tablist Barry Carter.
He'll be there to assist the guys in analysing the monthly Sky Sports £220 Doublestack. As well as that, he'll be talking about his new book "The Mental Game of Poker" written with Jared Tendlar.
Barry's promised to give away 5 copies of his book on the show so watch out for your chance to win on the night.
For more info on the book check out these two sites...
The show starts at 8 and runs till midnight. Don't be late!
It's all cash baby! And for the first time in about 4 years I get to do a show with Mr. Carlo Citrone. Should be fun.
Mastercash starts at 9pm and runs till 1am- live.
We're back with the Primo- another 9pm start time sees Mr Hartigan back in the saddle alongisde his rootin' tootin' partner Ian Fraser for 4 hours of live coverage from SKy's premier weekly game.
So, that's your lineup then. Any questions? Fire away on this thread and I'll endeavour to get them answered for you.
Also this Sunday James and Ian will be joined in the studio by Seth Webber.
Seth is a pro poker player and was brought to our attention by qualifying online for the Poker Million Final.
He eliminated Ton 'Durrrr' Dwan within the first level of heat 6, and then went on to get past November Niner, Michael Mizrachi, triple crown winner Roland de Wolfe, Yevgeniy Timosheko, Taylor Caby and Andy Black to get heads-up with James Bord.
The following day he took down the runners-up heat against another formidable line-up, with Erik Seidel, Huck Seed, Praz Bansi and Ram Vaswani failing to stop Webber from getting heads-up with Ashby, and with the chip lead changing hands on more than one occasion in a nerve-wracking battle, Webber took the vital pot against “Chufty” and turned his online victory into a $90,000 return, with the shot at $1million to come.
Spot the diference
Welcome to Sky Poker, and a very warm welcome to the forums, hope you are going to make a habit of this
Loving the alias to lol
You playing in the £1000 GUKPT - pressure.
scotty77 on the £1000 GUKPT final table - pressure.
Tikay co-hosting a show with Anna - blood pressure.
What's the worst, most tense, pressure situation you've ever found yourself in?
I can imagine some of Sky_Mandy's posts already!
Just a suggestion.
Any chance you can stop me pressing self destruct around bubble time???