ebbanflo 98000 1 £49 + £33.86 Head Prizes + 20 League Points 7 DARKGG 0 2 £30.62 + £11.02 Head Prizes + 16 League Points 5 emluvsmart 0 3 £18.38 + £8.69 Head Prizes + 12 League Points 4 MADMOO 0 4 £13.47 + £2.87 Head Prizes + 8 League Points 1 MRSSMITH37 0 5 £11.03 + £4.69 Head Prizes + 4 League Points 2 Thank you Trev. 4th in this one, am actually getting into these bounty hunters, used to hate them Posted by MADMOO
Nice result againTPT Moo - It's looking like the team are gonna have a serious win shortly
don25860001£270 + 20 League Pointsstelatonic02£155 + 16 League PointsSTOCKY8A103£105 + 14 League Pointsryan197604£80 + 12 League PointsTHECHIMP05£70 + 10 League Pointsshaggy6806£60 + 8 League Points
just a little 1 but they all count. Dremond - £43.20 + 10 League Points2pomfrittes - £27 + 8 League Points3MacMonster - £16.20 + 6 League Points4donnymac20 - £11.88 + 4 League Points5brass - £9.72 + 2 Leagu
stokefc3350001£45 + 15 League Pointsk_boyd8002£30 + 12 League Pointsspudefc03£21 + 10 League PointsBRADLEYJ04£15 + 8 League PointsRedShirt05£12 + 6 League Points1964mark1506£10.50 + 4 League PointsYEAH98807£9 + 3 League Points this is tonite last nite was like this 7.15 deepie 2nd 300 gtd rebuy 4th tsp classic 4th which has been posted about a 100 times elsewhere i hate bragging but for this thread ill brag..abit
Some nice cashes there well done Nice to see stoke winning again, well deserved Vul exit hand sporny Haven't played this weekend but will be back on monday for the dtd, good luck all in that xx
cyall1060001£15.90 + £11.48 Head Prizes + 15 League Points7 Red_King02£10.60 + £3.06 Head Prizes + 12 League Points1 w4rlock03£7.42 + £9.29 Head Prizes + 10 League Points9 VK4104£5.30 + 8 League Points0 dancinpant05£4.24 + £5.49 Head Prizes + 6 League Points6 Bailey1506£3.71 + £3.19 Head Prizes + 4 League Points3 dazzadrfc07£3.18 + £1.69 Head Prizes + 3 League Points2 susie2pink08£2.65 + £3 Head Prizes + 2 League Points4
stokefc 335000 1 £45 + 15 League Points k_boyd80 0 2 £30 + 12 League Points spudefc 0 3 £21 + 10 League Points BRADLEYJ 0 4 £15 + 8 League Points RedShirt 0 5 £12 + 6 League Points 1964mark15 0 6 £10.50 + 4 League Points YEAH988 0 7 £9 + 3 League Points this is tonite last nite was like this 7.15 deepie 2nd 300 gtd rebuy 4th tsp classic 4th which has been posted about a 100 times elsewhere i hate bragging but for this thread ill brag..abit Posted by stokefc
So near, yet so far again! was running good, until 2 bad beats in a row. 10th for £13 in £400 BH, Tournament ID: 4677404. Trev, don't they ave t'internet in Blackpool? Can't get reception, even wireless, from that big pylon thingy they ave. ¦:¬P) Posted by Red_King
he`s prob to drunk at his mum an dads b-an-b, they do the work he drinks their bar dry, luckily his bro`s not there with him
So near, yet so far again! was running good, until 2 bad beats in a row. 10th for £13 in £400 BH, Tournament ID: 4677404. Trev, don't they ave t'internet in Blackpool? Can't get reception, even wireless, from that big pylon thingy they ave. ¦:¬P) Posted by Red_King
getting a t'internet connection an being capable of using it is another matter lol.
But I will be back Sound & sober tomoz. Ready for DTD
here you go DREBIN 195000 1 £80 stokefc 0 2 £50 + 16 League Points taylos_12 0 3 £30 + 12 League Points bindi 0 4 £22 + 8 League Points jolie 0 5 £18 + 4 League Points D Posted by stokefc
WD peeps - Keep it going.
just a little 1 but they all count.
Dremond - £43.20 + 10 League Points2pomfrittes - £27 + 8 League Points3MacMonster - £16.20 + 6 League Points4donnymac20 - £11.88 + 4 League Points5brass - £9.72 + 2 Leagu
wp bud
this is tonite
last nite was like this
7.15 deepie 2nd
300 gtd rebuy 4th
tsp classic 4th which has been posted about a 100 times elsewhere
i hate bragging but for this thread ill brag..abit
Nice to see stoke winning again, well deserved
Vul exit hand sporny
Haven't played this weekend but will be back on monday for the dtd, good luck all in that xx
Tournament ID: 4677957, ( £2 + £0.30 BH )
cyall1060001£15.90 + £11.48 Head Prizes + 15 League Points7 Red_King02£10.60 + £3.06 Head Prizes + 12 League Points1 w4rlock03£7.42 + £9.29 Head Prizes + 10 League Points9 VK4104£5.30 + 8 League Points0 dancinpant05£4.24 + £5.49 Head Prizes + 6 League Points6 Bailey1506£3.71 + £3.19 Head Prizes + 4 League Points3 dazzadrfc07£3.18 + £1.69 Head Prizes + 3 League Points2 susie2pink08£2.65 + £3 Head Prizes + 2 League Points4
"every little helps"
I'm in blackpool at the mo so struggling to get internet connection, but will be back in my winning ways on Monday -
LETS Give them a run for their money - in the meantime keep posting the cashes - WD Peeps.
Pokertrev (Official TPT)
was running good, until 2 bad beats in a row.
10th for £13 in £400 BH, Tournament ID: 4677404.
Trev, don't they ave t'internet in Blackpool?
Can't get reception, even wireless, from that big pylon thingy they ave. ¦:¬P)
But I will be back Sound & sober tomoz. Ready for DTD
DREBIN1950001£80stokefc02£50 + 16 League Pointstaylos_1203£30 + 12 League Pointsbindi04£22 + 8 League Pointsjolie05£18 + 4 League PointsD
n1 m8 wp again