£2.60 and 5.20 Sat's running all day for the SPT Cardiff Semi at 9.30pm this eve!!
You can also buy in direct to tonight's 9.30 tourny for £24 with 1 in 5 getting a coveted SPT seat 
Also let's get some excitement going by posting your best SPT moment/picture or anecdote so far?
It can be funny.. Tragic... Victorious..
Here's mine:
Any freebie competition for a seat? I wont be able to play anything till next monday which i assume it will be full by then booooooo
One fellow sits two to my left and immediately tilts the table. He's wearing an ill fitting black suit, white shirt, pork-pie hat and of course he has shades on. He looks like he's just mugged a Blues Brother for his clothes. The centre piece for his outfit was a giant glob of whitish fluid (let's just call it spit ok) adorning his right shoulder which was clinging onto the fabric for dear life. He's constantly shouting at everyone saying 'he's the Welsh devilfish, he's just like devilfish' etc. I would say he was about a level 8 Welsh (more Welsh than Tom Jones, less Welsh than Cerys Matthews).
So we get to the hand. The standard at the table was 'varied' (1/1 NLHE). I was on the button, there were the standard six limpers. (I folded a few hands before preflop and the gentleman opposite berated me for folding when it was only a quid, I told him I was new). I have 78 off and the button so I make the standard raise to 13 quid. Two callers, the Welsh Devilfish and a young fellow who makes rabbits caught in head lights look like Mixed Martial Artists)
The flop offers me only bricks, not a draw in site. Welsh Devilfish starts counting out chips. Well when I say counting he actually made a pretty crescent with all his one pound chips. He then piles them all up into his hand and eventually string-bets them one by one into the pot. The pile was so large and the string-bet so magnificently long he is told by the deal it will go as a raise of 1 and what string-bets actually are all in mid string-bet. Our rabbit friend visibly gulps. The dealer turns to him and says 'you're not going to fold for a pound are you?' He gulps again and slowly parts with the one chip. I chuck mine in as well fascinated to see what's happening next.
Blank on the turn and the Welsh Devilfish is doing his thing again, this time with five pound chips. 2 minutes of pretty patterns later he piles about 120 pounds worth up and goes to make a bet. Of course he string-bets the lot again. The dealer, a lovely and exceedingly patient young lady begins to repeat the previous speech. Suddenly Welsh Devilfish flips, shouts '**** it, I fold!' and mucks his cards. Of course the first five pounder is still committed which makes Rabbit Man ask the dealer 'Do I have to call that?' She says no and he quickly checks. I'm not sure how many chips or what colour they were that I threw in but there were at least five and only two landed before he mucked.
It was a lovely game.
thought there would be more interest
Lovely piccy LML!!!!
BTW TKPLuckbox won a seat to Cardiff tonight!!!!
Apparently 9 is the magic number!!!