Just landed a job...... ugh...... a real job

Anyways, it's going to see me away from home a fair bit. I still want to play teh pokerz so will be limited to using a dongle. My questions are 3......
1) How many bytes (very approx) am i going to use by having the lobby open and playing 1 table?
2) Will there be a uniform increase in bytes used for every further table i open and if so, how many (approx?)
3) How does Sky Poker perform when using a dongle and will 4-8 tabling be an issue?
I'm asking because i want to get the right package. I don't want an over useage charge like i got last month on my broadband of £194! Thanks for any info.
Also I would say you need to be in a 3g area at least, even then not sure about that many tables??
How many meg per hour is each table going to suck out of my allowance?
Can the tech guys offer any further info?
I'll see if I can run a test in a minute and I'll post here later.
I'm not on a dongle or wireless but I can get a rough idea.
I'd assume for each extra table opened it would would add a little less than this as you wouldn't have 2 lobbies open.
I'm guessing then 4 tables will probably suck up about 35MB/Hr total. IOW the 1GB or even 3GB/month dongles probably wouldn't be enough.
Two tables was max it could handle and that was in London.
There is also an updated download client in development that will reduce the data transferred hugely.
Another thing to consider is if you're online for a significant time you'll have anti-virus, windows update and who knows what else checking for updates in the background.