In Response to Re: DTD for JUNE : Blue would be great but SkyPoker already use that one. We could try purple ? Or maybe black like ninja plonkers. Posted by AcidMan27
Team Ninja Plonkers (TNP) - very catchy - I like it!
Hi All just to let you know that I've had it confirmed today that there will be another Monthly DTD comp in June , details will be posted in the normal comp thread nearer the time, but it will once again be the average of your best 3 scores from the 4 weeks. once again on behalf of myself and Michael (DTW) thank you for your continued support of the Forum DTD. Also thanks to Sky Adam and Tikay for the prizes on offer each week and month and for their continued support Chris Posted by scouse_red
Hey is this where we sign up for the DTD game on monday night? BARBIE, Team HIT SQUAD
Right peeps I promised you all a special for June and courtesy of Sky Adam here is the news THE JUNE MONTHLY PRIZE HAS BEEN UPGRADED TO A PRIMO ENTRY THIS IS FOR ONE MONTH ONLY AS A THANK YOU FOR ALL THE FUN YOU HAVE HELPED TO MAKE MONDAY NIGHTS Posted by scouse_red
In Response to Re: DTD for JUNE : Lads Tikay? This is the 21st century!!! It wouldn't be the same without all the eye candy, er I mean quality lady players. Posted by RogueCell
Right peeps I promised you all a special for June and courtesy of Sky Adam here is the news THE JUNE MONTHLY PRIZE HAS BEEN UPGRADED TO A PRIMO ENTRY THIS IS FOR ONE MONTH ONLY AS A THANK YOU FOR ALL THE FUN YOU HAVE HELPED TO MAKE MONDAY NIGHTS Posted by scouse_red
Right peeps I promised you all a special for June and courtesy of Sky Adam here is the news THE JUNE MONTHLY PRIZE HAS BEEN UPGRADED TO A PRIMO ENTRY THIS IS FOR ONE MONTH ONLY AS A THANK YOU FOR ALL THE FUN YOU HAVE HELPED TO MAKE MONDAY NIGHTS Posted by scouse_red
Oh great..... NOW they make the prize worth winning )))* Nice one Chris, lets hope we get loads more runners into this now so you are guaranteed to get overtime money every week!!! *said in total jest before I am slated Posted by MAXALLY
gl on thurs maxy, i'll be tuning in hoping to see you run very deep m8
Cheers for that Red, will prob play this Monday. When you register on the thread at the beginning of the month does that cover you for every week that month or do you run a seperate thread for each week.
Cheers for that Red, will prob play this Monday. When you register on the thread at the beginning of the month does that cover you for every week that month or do you run a seperate thread for each week. Posted by 68Trebor
It's a separate one for each week but if you want i can add you to the list for PMing you when the thread goes up
Here here Rogue!!!!
Excellent news.
a big thanks all round, monday night is my fav night on sky poker all because of the DTD, great fun with top banter.
gl to all next month!
Oh great.....NOW they make the prize worth winning
Nice one Chris, lets hope we get loads more runners into this now so you are guaranteed to get overtime money every week!!!
*said in total jest before I am slated
Might be a stupid question but what does DTD stand for, also wouldn't mind someone explaining how this thing works.
if you have any questions just PM me and I'll try to answer them
Cheers for that Red, will prob play this Monday. When you register on the thread at the beginning of the month does that cover you for every week that month or do you run a seperate thread for each week.
Don't worry, I will only be able to play some Mondays. Cheers though.