We’d like to remind all members of the Community that 'trolling' and 'flaming' of threads is not something Sky Poker finds acceptable. Our Community Guidelines outline what ‘trolling’ and 'flaming' is.
People who who continually 'troll' or 'flame' the Community, despite being warned, will be blocked from posting on the forum indefinitely.
We all want as many people as possible to enjoy Sky Poker’s Community so please ensure all contributions to the Community stay within those guidelines. This is not a widespread issue but from time to time, we need to take action for everyone’s benefit. Please remember that on the rare occasions that we do take action, we cannot discuss individual cases but rest assured that we would not take action without good reason to do so. We want to keep the community enjoyable, open and honest and, as you know, we regularly seek honest and genuine feedback. However, trolling & flaming is not acceptable. We really believe that this will help the community to be better for everyone. Many thanks Sky Poker Team
Sky Poker Community, We’d like to remind all members of the Community that 'trolling' and 'flaming' of threads is not something Sky Poker finds acceptable. Our Community Guidelines outline what ‘trolling’ and 'flaming' is. People who who continually 'troll' or 'flame' the Community, despite being warned, will be blocked from posting on the forum indefinitely. We all want as many people as possible to enjoy Sky Poker’s Community so please ensure all contributions to the Community stay within those guidelines. This is not a widespread issue but from time to time, we need to take action for everyone’s benefit. Please remember that on the rare occasions that we do take action, we cannot discuss individual cases but rest assured that we would not take action without good reason to do so. We want to keep the community enjoyable, open and honest and, as you know, we regularly seek honest and genuine feedback. However, trolling & flaming is not acceptable. We really believe that this will help the community to be better for everyone. Many thanks Sky Poker Team Posted by Sky_Poker
+1 the community at Sky Poker is one of the things that set it apart from any other siteand long may it continue. Can I add a special thank you to all the forum mods for the job they do, and while not everyone may agree with some of their decisions they are here to keep YOUR community running in the way it does on the whole so well
In Response to Trolling & Flaming - the forum policy : +1 the community at Sky Poker is one of the things that set it apart from any other siteand long may it continue. Can I add a special thank you to all the forum mods for the job they do, and while not everyone may agree with some of their decisions they are here to keep YOUR community running in the way it does on the whole so well Posted by scouse_red
In Response to Re: Trolling & Flaming - the forum policy : is it just me or are these links not working? - i have no idea what these two terms mean either! Posted by imber
Looks like the original rules thread in GPC has been deleted for some reason, anyway this is the link to the forum rules which includes the flaming and trolling policy.
In Response to Re: Trolling & Flaming - the forum policy : Looks like the original rules thread in GPC has been deleted for some reason, anyway this is the link to the forum rules which includes the flaming and trolling policy . Steve Posted by Kiwini4u
thanx steve - i now understand - one day i may be able to understand all this newspeak
the community at Sky Poker is one of the things that set it apart from any other siteand long may it continue.
Can I add a special thank you to all the forum mods for the job they do, and while not everyone may agree with some of their decisions they are here to keep YOUR community running in the way it does on the whole so well