PROTIP: neck 3 cans of red bull before a live session and, if you're anything like me, your hands will be shaking like mad. Anyone who's paying attenton will think you have a monster and you can get bluffs trough on any scary flop
PROTIP: neck 3 cans of red bull before a live session and, if you're anything like me, your hands will be shaking like mad. Anyone who's paying attenton will think you have a monster and you can get bluffs trough on any scary flop Posted by DannyMcs
the mad genuis school of bluffing that.
I usually call people who shake in a certain way. Their shake is different. Watch carefully youl;l see it.
P.S. Redbull does the trick for late night sessions.
Wouldn't advise grinding at qll if you're feeling lethargic. Energy drinks tend to give you a mad rush of sugar for a couple of hours but the crash afterwards can make you feel horrible. Only time I'd recommend using them for poker is if you happen to go deep in a late night tourney and need a lift to get you over the line. Even then it's not such a good idea if you're working the next day!
Wouldn't advise grinding at qll if you're feeling lethargic. Energy drinks tend to give you a mad rush of sugar for a couple of hours but the crash afterwards can make you feel horrible. Only time I'd recommend using them for poker is if you happen to go deep in a late night tourney and need a lift to get you over the line. Even then it's not such a good idea if you're working the next day! Posted by nagrom
Funnily enough nagrom this one is sugar free, its got loads of caffeine mind!
Although I used to have some coffee called rocket fuel when I worked nights. One cup of that was like having 10 cans of Red Bull.
I usually call people who shake in a certain way. Their shake is different. Watch carefully youl;l see it.
P.S. Redbull does the trick for late night sessions.