Never played at a live event but when watching the dealers on TV recently i noticed when dealing the flop, turn & river they sometime/always take 1/2/3 cards of the top and put them to one side prior to dealing the actual flop etc. Were my eyes decieving me? Is this normal practice? Think it was Aussie millions if this helps?
Apologies if this has been asked before/dumb Q but am really curious.
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They do it because the top of the card is visible to all players so if somebody notices a mark on a specific card they could recognise which card it is.
I think that's the only reason why they do it, but somebody else may know more than me.
Also at DTD on the cash tables they use 2 decks of cards and a shuffling machine that shuffles the pack that is not being used during that hand. More hands = more rake.
Works well
VERY few UK Cardrooms have them, but DTD have about 9, I think, which they ONLY use on cash game Tables. Their purpose, really, is to speed up the game. The more hands dealt per hour, the more rake generated, so they pay for themselves over time.
They are very common in Vegas, & Mainland Europe, though.
The ones DTD use cost about (wait for it....) €9,000 EACH, but they can be rented for about 5% of that, per month, per machine.
Cheaper versions are sold by "shuffletech", @ $400 or $500 each, you can even buy "toy" ones for $30 or $40, but the Shufflemaster is the Rolls-Royce of automatic shuufflers.
Auto-shuffler - more Blackjack hands = more action.
Always thought about getting one for home games as most of us are useless at shuffling.
Thanks all for your replies. Very interesting.
I would also guess sponsorship is involved.........