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HitSquad HotNews!!!!!!!!

HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
edited August 2011 in Poker Chat
This is where we can post up anything hot off the HitPress!!

Will start with part of the post that set the ball rollin as an intro, then will list members which I will update when necs...............................

"As there may be some sort of Cardiff SPT challenge thrown down by Machka, thought we better Start our own thread!!

This Elite 'HitSquad' started when Four of us went to our first ever SPT at LUTON just over a year ago, we were alll Rabbish then, but have focused on gettin better!!

Now we have heard there is another Hitsquad [Praz etc], we are detemined to knock them off their perch, along with Sky 'superstars' TKP!!  lol , and even the Famous Team Sky LOL !!

Original Members HITMANRV, Monkey123, sicswans, marc2000, and 'adopted' at the Luton Bar, Mohican, have laid low for a year building our poker skills, we are now ready to unleash on the Poker world, startin with Cardiff SPT !!

First 'Sky' person we ever met was the ever polite Machka, at our Luton hotel, so this has gone round full circle. Now TKP has developed fully into The premier Sky 'team' lol so to speak!!

We Shall be CONDUCTING INTERVIEWS for other POSSIBLE TEAM MEMBERS over the next few weeks!!

There will be some intense tests & a suitabilty scrutiny will have to be carried out, so that insanity is proven etc!!


Team                                           Runners   Wins   Points           LEAGUE POINTS

TEAM POKERTREV                         54             1          59                 15

TEAM HITSQUAD                           54             3          54                 14

TEAM 51                                         50             1           50                14

TEAM KNIGHTPLOP                       44             -           27                 10

TEAM SKY                                        2              -            9                    4

TEAM NINJA PLONKERS                15            1            4                    3


1,  Name...............

2,  SEX M/F...............[optional]

3,  SANE/INSANE..........

4,  Football Team........

5,  Fav Drink, [or not].....

6,  Special Powers....
     [like the X-Men, what could you add to The HitSquad]

7,   If you were not a member of the Famous HitSquad what would        you rather be?.....

8,   What odds do you think u will be to win the nottingham DTD SPT
      [240ish runners]?....

9,   Would you eat Chips, Cheese & Gravy for breakfast after a long       day/nite drinking & pokering?....." alt="" />


  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited August 2011
    HitSquad Members so far ........

    [*,Playin Cardiff SPT]..Well done Comrades 11!!
    [**,Railin, Alternating SPT]... Brilliant Comrades 2!!

    Dave             HITMAN_RV *
    Barry             monkey123** [Team CanGod}
    Matt              sic-swans   * [Team, 'in your face mother']
    Carl               Mohican      * [Team Hair!]
    Paul               BARBIE59     * [& Girlfriend Zoe**, Team Couple]
    Rob               EmilyEgg         [ Team Exile ]
    John              Young Gun      [ Team Protegee']
    Father Terry   Vaigret           [Team Chaplain]
    Chris             DiggerMan   *  [Team Tree, its Rubber, BOOING BOOING !!]
    Colin             golden238   *   [Team Shrek]
    Wynne           wynne1938     [Team Wise Man]
    Mr Jones        sighKO           [ Team Pyscho Jones]
    Rob               aussie09     *  [ Team Antipodean]
                         cantplay20      [Team CanPlay ??]
    David             DAIBOOT   *    [Team Boyo]
    JJ                  DOHHHHHHH    [ Team Guest,actually Team DOHHHHHH, capt]
    Ashley            delaney09       [Team Irn Bru]
    Martyn           Splashies        [Team Cobbler]
    Lucy              Lucy4            [Team Concealer]
    Robin             harding09       [Team Blue Moon]
    Robert RAB!     RAB642         [Teab RAB, ?????. but it drinks buckfast and tiger]
    Anna             Fowles !!        [ Team Glama Anna ].....Yes, Honestly!!
    Dave             Wacko90        [Team Wacko?]
    Steve            Bigbiker22       [Team Biker]
    Andy             Shipdchips *      tba
    Sharon           Shazallin        [Team Eye-Candy]
    Ken                kennybad      [ Team Villain]
    Mike               maggiesdad * [Team Kidder]
    Dean              1nitro1          [Team Aslan]
    Lisa                lisar83           [Team Erica Roe]
    Patrick           123456789  *  [Team Numbers]
    Neil                donkeyplop **
    Simon             Lightwood      [Team Potter]
    Ed                 WWFCblue     [Team Chair ??]
    John              Dunonriver
    Joe               yuranASSet    [Team BatShatMad!!]
    Callum           iBLUFF           [Team Bluffer]
    Sue              kidgirlgy         [Team Vegas Princess, or Team Tiger] not sure yet!!

    Hope I aint missed anyone, & make sure you all have posted your intro.s up !!
    more nick-names to follow, will be earn't in the arena & may be changed at will, please advise if ya got a good Team position u can fill !! [we still have Team Tart available, lol, might have that myself]

    Good luck all !!


    Once more unto the Baize , dear , Comrades once more;
    Or close the wall up with our HitSquad dead.
    In peace there's nothing so becomes a man
    As modest stillness and humility:
    But when the blast of Poker  blows in our ears,
    Then imitate the action of the tiger;
    Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood,
    Disguise Your Hand  with hard-favour'd rage;
    Then lend the eye a terrible aspect;
    Let pry through the portage of the head
    Like the brass cannon; let the brow o'erwhelm it
    As fearfully as doth a galled Limp
    O'erhang and jutty his confounded base,
    Swill'd with the wild and wasteful ocean.
    Now set the teeth and stretch the nostril wide,
    Hold hard the breath and bend up every spirit
    To his full height. On, on, you noblest HitSquad.
    Whose blood is fet from fathers that be Bluff-proof!
    Fathers that, like so many Alexanders,
    Have in these parts from morn till even fought
    And sheathed their Pocket Pairs for lack of argument:
    Dishonour not your mothers; now attest
    That those whom you call'd fathers did beget you.
    Be copy now to men of grosser blood,
    And teach them how to  RAISE And you, good Squaddies,
    Whose limbs were, made on SkyPoker show us here
    The mettle of your pasture; let us swear
    That you are worth your breeding; which I doubt not;
    For there is none of you so mean and base,
    That hath not noble lustre in your eyes.
    I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips,
    Straining upon the start. The game's afoot:
    Follow your spirit, and upon this Flop
    Cry 'God for Tikay,
    SkyPoker, and The HitSquad!'

    William Shakespeare & The Hitman

  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited May 2011

    With latest Squaddie Rab we Now have SEVEN registered in the Forum DTD on Bank hol Mon

    Details below, you have to register on DTW's thread.....

    He has got some nice bonuses, and it is great fun [& cheap]  SO.......

    COME ON THE HITSQUAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Forum DTD Monday 30/05/2011

    posted at 27/5/2011 1:09 PM BST on
    Posts: 2830
    First: 20/6/2009
    Last: 28/5/2011

              50 runners for June  = Special Prize lets spread the word peeps



    Hi all & welcome to the Forum DTD Last Longer which takes place every Monday & as a Bonus Sky Adam has put up a £5-50 ToT Entry for the following Friday

    The structure is 3 Tourneys lowest score wins (see below) to take part simply post on this thread BEFORE Monday 7-10pm. I will be doing the updates every week now

    Here's how it is going to work.

    Your 3 scores are added together & the lowest wins the Prize


    Your score in each tournament will be based on your finishing position.
    So, if you finish 1st, 5th and 92nd your score will be 1 + 5 + 92 = 98

    Please note that in the event of a tie the player with the lowest finishing position in a comp will be deemed the winner

    eg if 2 players both finish on 30 pts and 1 finishes a tourny in 1st & the other 2nd the player finishing in the 1st place will be deemed the winner

      7-15pm Deepstack    buy-in £2-20

                           8-30pm Totty           buy-in £2-20

      7-45pm Deepstack   buy-in £1-10


    If you have any questions i will try to answer them on this thread.


    As a thank you for the excellent support you all continue to show

    Starting on Monday May 2nd

    and running for 5 weeks We will be running a Monthly comp alongside the usual weekly one

    so thats the 2nd / 9th /16th /23rd /30th May. It won't cost any extra it's a bonus

    Your best 3 scores out of the 5 will be added together and an average score taken

    The player who achieves the lowest average will receive


    A FREE ENTRY TO THE £15K Bounty Hunter Main Event (worth £33)


    the rules bit.



  • TRIP5TRIP5 Member Posts: 3,618
    edited May 2011




  • splashiessplashies Member Posts: 3,680
    edited May 2011
    Team Hitsquad will own the DTD on monday!

    When we win we shall sing...

    "Can you hear TKP sing, noooooo, nooooooooo. Can you hear TKP sing, nooooooooooo, noooooooooo. Can you hear TKP sing, i can't hear a fooooooking thing. Whoooaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!"

    Team Cobbler
  • TRIP5TRIP5 Member Posts: 3,618
    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: HitSquad HotNews!!!!!!!!:
    Team Hitsquad will own the DTD on monday! When we win we shall sing... "Can you hear TKP sing, noooooo, nooooooooo. Can you hear TKP sing, nooooooooooo, noooooooooo. Can you hear TKP sing, i can't hear a fooooooking thing. Whoooaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!" Team Cobbler
    Posted by splashies
    Bye bye, bye bye...bye bye bye byeeeeeee



  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited May 2011
    HitBump lol
  • MissFowlerMissFowler Member Posts: 885
    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: HitSquad HotNews!!!!!!!!:
    HitSquad Members so far ........ [*,Playin Cardiff SPT]..Well done Comrades  8!! [**,Railin, Alternating SPT]... Brilliant Comrades 2!! HITMAN_RV * monkey123** sic-swans   * [Team, 'in your face mother'] Mohican      * [Team Hair!] BARBIE59     * [& Wife**, Team Couple] Young Gun      [ Team Protegee'] Vaigret           [Team Chaplain] DiggerMan   *  [Team Tree, its Rubber, BOOING BOOING !!] golden238   *  wynne1938     [Team Wise Man] sighKO           [ Team Pyscho Jones] aussie09     *  [ Team Antipodean ] made4game     [ errr...Team Lucy] ok? may change lol cantplay20      [Team CanPlay ??] DAIBOOT   *    [Team Boyo] DOHHHHHHH    [ Team Stella] Neildown         [Team Barry] delaney09       [Team Irn Bru] Splashies        [Team Cobbler] Lucy4            [Team Concealer] or [Team Lucy2] paige55         [Team Gary Shaw] harding09       [Team Blue Moon] RAB642       [Teab RAB, don't know what this is, but it drinks buckfast and tiger] Fowles !!     [ Team Glamour ].....Yes, Honestly!! Hope I aint missed anyone, & make sure you all have posted your intro.s up !! more nick-names to follow, will be earn't in the arena & may be changed at will, please advise if ya got a good Team position u can fill !! [we still have Team Tart available, lol, might have that myself] Good luck all !!
    Posted by HITMAN_RV

    Found you!! Not sure about the glamour, I will be playing at home in my pjs probs!! :)
  • harding10harding10 Member Posts: 849
    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: HitSquad HotNews!!!!!!!!:
    In Response to Re: HitSquad HotNews!!!!!!!! : Found you!! Not sure about the glamour, I will be playing at home in my pjs probs!! :)
    Posted by fowles
    That's easily enough to beat all the hitblokes in the 'team glamour' stakes.
  • NeildownNeildown Member Posts: 1,635
    edited May 2011
    Il be in the DTD if Mrs Pu lets me ignore here all eveing
  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: HitSquad HotNews!!!!!!!!:
    In Response to Re: HitSquad HotNews!!!!!!!! : That's easily enough to beat all the hitblokes in the 'team glamour' stakes.
    Posted by harding10
    That is True Harding!! I mean.....Look at our photo's LOL

    You able to enter the Forum DTD tonight Comrade ??
  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: HitSquad HotNews!!!!!!!!:
    In Response to Re: HitSquad HotNews!!!!!!!! : Found you!! Not sure about the glamour, I will be playing at home in my pjs probs!! :)
    Posted by fowles
    Anna, [Team Glamour], if you can play tonight, you have to post up on this thread....

    Forum DTD Monday 30/05/2011

    posted at 27/5/2011 1:09 PM BST on
    Posts: 2830
    First: 20/6/2009
    Last: 28/5/2011

              50 runners for June  = Special Prize lets spread the word peeps



    If not, another time, dont worry!! I reckon about half The HitSquad will be playin
    Does involve M/tablin, but everyone will help!! [I can't even play One table properley LOL]
    IF you want me to register for you, post here, or pm me, and I will
  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: HitSquad HotNews!!!!!!!!:
    In Response to Re: HitSquad HotNews!!!!!!!! : Found you!! Not sure about the glamour, I will be playing at home in my pjs probs!! :)
    Posted by fowles
    ps, lol !! That should get the numbers up I reckon!!!
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: HitSquad HotNews!!!!!!!!:
    In Response to Re: HitSquad HotNews!!!!!!!! : ps, lol !! That should get the numbers up I reckon!!!
    Posted by HITMAN_RV
    P.s. I fold

    P.S.S. I demand that Delaney is not called Irn Bru, as that drink is purley Oranage and is consistantly drunk by ME, Ill even play him HU to take the title back. :D.
  • harding10harding10 Member Posts: 849
    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: HitSquad HotNews!!!!!!!!:
    In Response to Re: HitSquad HotNews!!!!!!!! : That is True Harding!! I mean.....Look at our photo's LOL You able to enter the Forum DTD tonight Comrade ??
    Posted by HITMAN_RV
    In too late from work to play either deepy, but have a free entry for the Totty so will hope for a good team showing there.
  • NeildownNeildown Member Posts: 1,635
    edited May 2011
    I'm out.... but i busted more moves than Bruce Lee!

    They was definitely worried for a while!
  • YOUNG_GUNYOUNG_GUN Member Posts: 8,948
    edited May 2011
    1st of 4 in 7.15 Deepie, feel free to rail surrounded by plops :(
  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: HitSquad HotNews!!!!!!!!:
    1st of 4 in 7.15 Deepie, feel free to rail surrounded by plops :(
    Posted by YOUNG_GUN
    out 9,47 58th ish am on way YG
  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited May 2011
    Top Ten Finishes Last nite!! 

    Well Done all, Esp Ross & Young_Gun !!

    COMP /



    DP STK


    DP STK

    8.30 TOTY


    ROSSJB14 (TKP)



































    BARBIE59 (THS)















  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited May 2011
    Quiet at work this morning, lol..............................

      1st  TKP      POINTS - 20!!  Well Done,

    Esp, ROSSJB14, WP 1st!! 10 pts!!! , GreggHogg 5th 6pts, DTWBANDIT 7th 4 pts

        2nd THS     POINTS - 13

    Young_Gun 2nd 9 pts, Barbie59 8th 3 points, HITMAN RV 10th 1pt

        3rd TPT      POINTS -  7

    MADMOO 4th 7 pts

    feel like Sepp Blatter, Changing rules as I go lol !! But to include TPT, and with below structure I just invented, League table looks like this.........LOL.................

    TEAM     POINTS     GD

    TKP          2           20
    THS          1           13
    TPT          0             7
  • YOUNG_GUNYOUNG_GUN Member Posts: 8,948
    edited May 2011
    lol like it el captain, should go by tourney wins as we had 2 winners last night :P

    Next week be nice if we can have similar turnout
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