playing live down the pub i had pocket 8s and picked up a set on the flop. by the river i had quad 8s and my opponent obviously had a straight. i put him all in. he turned to me and said have you got the 8 to which i replied no i have a pair of them thinking he wouldnt believe me, he didnt and called. later i was told that in a casino it is not permmitted to tell truth about your hole cards is this correct?
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This may help: Do not reveal your cards while a hand is going on. While it's not against the rules (some places may give a penalty), it is at least a horrible breach of etiquette.
Cash game fine.
HU in Tournament, normally allowed.
But as a rule just dont do it.
Put simply, you can NOT tell your opponent "anything you wish".
Them's the Rules, whether we like them or not is immaterial. As a rule......
But I don't understand why. Doesn't make sense to me. If some-one engages you in speech play then surely between the players involved it's between them?
I just don't do speech play when playing live because it's a minefield. Cover my mouth (that's where the tells are, invent shades for the mouth and I'm buying them) and stare at a blank spot in the table.
And are there actual rules written anywhere or has it just evolved? Because I've had TD's making rulings that I haven't agreed with at times.
Got accused of string betting after I'd said all-in once. It seemd like there was some prize going for accusing anyone of string betting. I've only got 2 f hands, I can't put all the chips in at once. Freaked a bit. And I'm a fairly mild mannered, placid, Ghandi type of chap, I really am.