Hi y'all,
Just to say as a result of all your tuition, encouragement, brow-beating etc. I managed to cash in an MTT tonite!
(i've have came 2nd in a freeeroll b4, but I don't count that!)
I've come real close a few times but just missed out for various reasons that the community have helped with.
I'd not had much time to play over the last few days but had been reading ALL your replies to my posts.
Nothing exciting by all your standards but I entered a £1.10 DS tourney tonite. (Actually, looked at lobby prior to entering and nearly didn't enter as there were 10/12 names that kinda scared me!)
But then I thought "why not"?
Anyway, 133 runners, came 13th! Won £1.33! Lol! (really should made top 10 but hey ho!)
So a BIG thank you to you all who have replied to all my posts!
gotta mention a few who have really helped.
Deuceslive, Amybr, Drsharp, Do7h, (that's Dohhhhhhh BTW),Grantorino, Crunchybob, Don90, lolraise.
I'm sure theres more that I've missed!
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well done mate, keep it up.
You've an attitude that means you will learn a lot bud. Will only get better.
B ugga you should have been on my TY - list sorry M8! I knew I'd 4get a few!
Keep up the good work matey and keep playing £1.10 DS imo good way for you to learn, usually easier if not a DTD night because your get some good players in it then
Hope you enjoyed the deepstack. I know you can't win loads of money in them but the ammount of play you get is great.
You can learn alot by playing the deepstacks.
N1 Mr Pad.
I'm sure there will be plenty more cashes, & a few wins, too.
If I could name one person who's advice you should follow, it's Dohhhh. Listen to him, & THINK about what he says, challenge it even. Very few poker players actually think very deep, they prefer to make excuses, because they are in denial of their faults, & want to blame others for their demise.
Look at your game, listen to good advice, especially to Dohhhhh, & LEARN from your mistakes. So many regulars on here just play same old same old, & so they will never improve.
You are NEVER going to make any meaningful money, forget all the hype, you just won't, only about 5% ever do, but you do not have to lose much, or anything, & you have a free hobby which is tremendous fun.
PS - Oh, & do NOT Post any bad-beat stories. In truth, they just make the author look as daft as they are.
I'm enjoying it so far.
I'll remember the bad beat bit as well!
And DON'T serial limp!
There is sometimes a good reason to limp, if you are a more than competent player, & know what you are doing, & why, but it is VERY rare. Get in the habit of raising, or folding. The difference it makes is immense. ALL serial-limpers, without exception, lose money at poker, & then make every excuse under the sun as to how unlucky they get......there's a thing.