tk, I must issue with this note of disgust,as a poker player, this online insanity promotes no class or skill and is an insult to all proffesionall poker players world wide, I have plated poker for 22 years and I have necer in allof my lif eseen so much foul play, you should all be ashamed to promote this money making skam, but I'm sure your pockets are well lined with the pound of sky, not to worry I am very sure just like all of the carupt that are being incestigated lately this system will be one of the many to be indited soon, but not to sound bitter, I think we both known online oker is a fix, and its ashame that another legend has sold himself out. Yet another sad day for Britain.......
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In Response to discusted:
Time of the month?Had aces cracked?
Things will get better
You might just win that.
But I'm not sure.
Luv ya Sporny xx
understandable you have been playing 22 years i mean writing is not a strong point of yours....FYP ..... also are you trying to claim the DOJ are going to indict Sky Poker when they do not operate in the USA LOL just LOL