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Points Tilt Rant

cottladcottlad Member Posts: 439
edited June 2011 in Poker Chat
How annoying.  Needed 1300 points tonight to reach the next level.  I have 30 mins left and 400 points to make after grinding all night.  Not only have i missed the points threshold it's cost me £350 trying :(  Man i hate this stupid frickin points threshold system.  I wouldn't even have played tonight if i didn't think i'd be wasting 3000 odd hard earned points.  I really hate Sky sometimes.  Rant over :(


  • scotty77scotty77 Member Posts: 4,970
    edited May 2011
    this is like the 3rd time you've posted this thread.

    but yeah its annoying

  • hurst05hurst05 Member Posts: 1,567
    edited May 2011
    i needed 1800 today to make 10k. currently need only about 300 or so. no chance. if i get my priority club status revoked i will be hacked off srsly. 300 lousy points the difference for an extra +£200 lol
  • CrunchybobCrunchybob Member Posts: 576
    edited May 2011
    I need 70 points at 10pm, to reach my target, now going to see if im even close
  • cottladcottlad Member Posts: 439
    edited May 2011
    Maybe 1 day a Sky rep will hear my cries of pain and conclude that actually, the system is a bit daft afterall.  But probably they won't :(  I've now got 3,605 points that have taken me many hours of hard graft to accumulate, which will be flushed down the loo.  Although someone can earn just 3,000 points and bag themselves £50.  Ah well, all this excitement isn't good for my ticker.  Am off to think happy thoughts..............whilst i beat the cat to a **** mess :)
  • CrunchybobCrunchybob Member Posts: 576
    edited May 2011
    Sigh, played 4nl since 10pm on 2 tables and earn 20points :(
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited May 2011
    In Response to Re: Points Tilt Rant:
    i needed 1800 today to make 10k. currently need only about 300 or so. no chance. if i get my priority club status revoked i will be hacked off srsly. 300 lousy points the difference for an extra +£200 lol
    Posted by hurst05
    get a m8 to do some 50/100 RR's with you, and ship the money over on stars to make sure u both break even no matter what the result. Obv refund his rake.

    U'll still b well up on the deal.

    I need 90 more for an xtra 20 quid, but cba....but if it was 200 quids worth plus all the extras I'd do something like that ^^^^
  • scotty77scotty77 Member Posts: 4,970
    edited June 2011
    In Response to Re: Points Tilt Rant:
    Maybe 1 day a Sky rep will hear my cries of pain and conclude that actually, the system is a bit daft afterall.  But probably they won't :(  I've now got 3,605 points that have taken me many hours of hard graft to accumulate, which will be flushed down the loo.  Although someone can earn just 3,000 points and bag themselves £50.  Ah well, all this excitement isn't good for my ticker.  Am off to think happy thoughts..............whilst i beat the cat to a **** mess :)
    Posted by cottlad
    i think the reason why sky has designed a system like that is to induce this kinda of life tilt...good for da games.

  • FINSFINS Member Posts: 1,080
    edited June 2011
    yeah its sick,i have over 30k points sat in my account gathering dust,now another 700 to add to these.
    I actually did not want to play on here today as i knew it was impossible to reach the next level.
    surely sky dont want people feeling this way,not wanting to play etc?? must be a way of people using/carrying over these points.
    How many 50 point freerolls would it take to clear my 30k ?
  • jimmynolegjimmynoleg Member Posts: 9
    edited June 2011
    Surely that's your own fault for leaving it till the last few hours, not Sky's.
  • FINSFINS Member Posts: 1,080
    edited June 2011
    In Response to Re: Points Tilt Rant:
    Surely that's your own fault for leaving it till the last few hours, not Sky's.
    Posted by jimmynoleg
    read post properly please.

  • CrunchybobCrunchybob Member Posts: 576
    edited June 2011
    In Response to Re: Points Tilt Rant:
    yeah its sick,i have over 30k points sat in my account gathering dust,now another 700 to add to these. I actually did not want to play on here today as i knew it was impossible to reach the next level. surely sky dont want people feeling this way,not wanting to play etc?? must be a way of people using/carrying over these points. How many 50 point freerolls would it take to clear my 30k ?
    Posted by FINS
    600 :D have fun
  • belsibubbelsibub Member Posts: 2,527
    edited June 2011
    In Response to Re: Points Tilt Rant:
    yeah its sick,i have over 30k points sat in my account gathering dust,now another 700 to add to these. I actually did not want to play on here today as i knew it was impossible to reach the next level. surely sky dont want people feeling this way,not wanting to play etc?? must be a way of people using/carrying over these points. How many 50 point freerolls would it take to clear my 30k ?
    Posted by FINS
    It would take you 150 days playing all 6 freerolls(4 at 25 points 2 at 50 points) or 300 days just playing the 50 point ones.
  • FINSFINS Member Posts: 1,080
    edited June 2011
    cheers belsibub,but you do really need to get out more. ;)
  • ACEGOONERACEGOONER Member Posts: 1,435
    edited June 2011
    Lets be totally frank about this the c4p deal is a rip off. If you do play a decent amount and get over 10k you then have 2 or 4k thresholds to increase your bonus. On other sites they allow you to encash your loyalty points as and when you see fit.

    Skys system effectively means that they are keeping your rakeback between thresholds. It as is suggested on this thread discourages play between thresholds, which is not good for sky or the player. 

    I think there needs to be a complete overhaul of the system. Sky need to be doing similar things to their competitors. 
  • LOL_RAISELOL_RAISE Member Posts: 2,188
    edited June 2011
    jimmynoleg wins the thread
  • ajs4385ajs4385 Member Posts: 455
    edited June 2011
    Remember, if you are a bit short of an increment come off the tables just before midnight, as points are not credited to your account for the session until you leave the table. So if you come off after midnight it goes towards next months total.
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