#377483643 (23:36 31/05/2011)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancefrosty1989Small blind £0.15£0.15£11.23stuart0816Big blind £0.30£0.45£33.97 Your hole cards66 DiscopigRaise £1.20£1.65£12.87arthur1965Raise £3.00£4.65£51.35saints01Fold GROUSE12Fold frosty1989Fold stuart0816Fold DiscopigAll-in £12.87£17.52£0.00arthur1965Raise £22.14£39.66£29.21arthur1965Unmatched bet £11.07£28.59£40.28DiscopigShow66 arthur1965ShowAA Flop 648 Turn 3 River 8 DiscopigWinFull House, 6s and 8s£27.16 £27.16
I did apologize 8^)
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i think one of your main problems is one ofmine aswell, are you playing out side your br? coz you only got 50biggs here again you could of won a 60quid pot.
Not having a go mate, but you want full value for your hands.