impossible to put him on a 2 after he called preflop imo, after u put in 300 i think u have to call it off.. i call here thinking he has small/med pair bigger than 3 but smaller than 99.. i would put him on 77/88 here or maybe gambling with flush draw.. ie aq diamonds.. vul mate
hey first time at an SPT where can I find details about it? Times etc Days to book hotel? Thanks looking forward to it Posted by Tadpoles
its all under the sky poker tour link, Cardiff SPT Is on sat 23rd july, get down on the friday for a game night before as alot of the players will be doing that. good luck see ya there.
Good to see you keeping LML in order Alan. It's been quite a week in the race to get to Cardiff with some very hard fought semis over the last 4 nights, I know I was in them all, along with quite a few other "regulars". Whilst I am disappointed not to have qualified, I congratulate all those who have and wish them and everybody else the very best of luck in Cardiff.
Good to see you keeping LML in order Alan. It's been quite a week in the race to get to Cardiff with some very hard fought semis over the last 4 nights, I know I was in them all, along with quite a few other "regulars". Whilst I am disappointed not to have qualified, I congratulate all those who have and wish them and everybody else the very best of luck in Cardiff. Posted by Dollie
Thank you Dollie, I agree totally with shipdchips, shared a table with you not only in the SPT semi, but also the Skyroller. He is absolutely correct you are a true gentleman of the game.
Bubble last night but got my seat tonight looking forward to meeting all the sky poker players. Do I need to do anything or will sky notify me via email ref details regards ship Posted by shipdchips[/QUOTE]
No Sir, just turn up on the day, you are automatically entered. If you fancy coming down on the Friday evening, we generally have a little Tourney & have some fun, & you'd be very welcome.
Also, there is a whole Forum Board devoted to SPT, get across to it & have a read, it's well worthwhile, it is HERE
dollie.. hope to see you in cardiff. skypoker... i think that it would be such a good thing to invte gordon to cardiff as your guest. Posted by aussie09
Thank you Tikay for the update I will book the boat as coming from Guernsey a friend of mine also qualified for the event, we will set off on Friday 22nd so hope to see you all Friday evening.
Just one thing we will be returning on ferry Sunday 24/7/11 at about 17.00 I take it the tourney is a one day event ?
im debating whether i should get of the above hand
Do I need to do anything or will sky notify me via email ref details
dollie.. hope to see you in cardiff.
skypoker... i think that it would be such a good thing to invte gordon to cardiff as your guest.
Just one thing we will be returning on ferry Sunday 24/7/11 at about 17.00 I take it the tourney is a one day event ?
aka shipdchips