As it says on the tin, is it time sky looked at the cash for points offering?
I mentioned in another thread that once you get beyond 10k points, the thresholds for extra rakeback increase to 2k then 4k. Clearly unless you are some 20 tabling crazed lunatic, these thresholds are very difficult to achieve and personally I wouldnt bother playing. My take is sky are effectively raking back the rakeback!
Other sites offer a facility where you can encash points on any day once you reach a set threshold, then any remaining points are left banked rather than swept into the sky blackhole.
What do other players think??
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I have to agree the whole thing needs a revamp. It is only due to the community spirirt on here that I don't go play elsewhere, where I could receive 35% Rakeback for every £1 I play. I am also collecting poker points daily and they are sat in my account gathering dust. Isn't it about time SKY opened a reward shop with merchandise and bonuses etc available to buy.
also all these points we have can we not get rid of on 1k freeroll points and have like a 2000 gurantee to make it worthwhile. me nor anyone else are not going to play all these 25 or 50 points freerolls
if your not going to do a monthly bigger freeroll maybe do a way you can use for Sit n gos/ satelites or tournament tickets
seriously sky firstly the ladders need sorting then for these unused points
I guess providing this most basic information would make it too easy to find out relative RB% which wouldn't be a good thing for Sky
the sites allow affiliates to offer them. and the affiliates have been known to make promises that they can't keep/run off with the funds
Sky Pokers promo is heavily promoted thru the site and there is no middle man. while there are 'better' deals out there, you aren't taking the risk of trusting a middle man, which is usually a one man band operation using rented office space half way around the globe.
Quite frankly no one should lose any points. It is up to the players to make noises about this. Personally im like a dog on a bone with this issue I wont let it go until sky have a fairer system.
As players and more importantly customers of sky, we need to make them hear our concerns.
To be honest I have played on a lot of sites and I cannot think of another one that does not have some sort of reward store or does not enable you to swop points for cash / bonuses whenever you want. The majority of sites also have some sort of reward ladder e.g. bronze, silver, gold etc. I would personally like to nominate Acegooner to the role of Rewards Champion for SKYPoker. Just don't forget the micro grinders.
I play on one site that has a pretty decent deal in that it gives you 25% of a deposit straight away. But the other 75% is near on impossible to crack. I have been playing there two months and have cleared about 10% (which is immaterial cause you need to do it within 30 days). This means the standard is a lot worse than you would find on some somewhere that gives 35% rakeback (in general, I am not saying there arent good players, far from it)
It is a trade off
Firstly, the deal itself is pretty good imo. From what I have read, though, it seems that cash players may not get as much as I thought. As a SnG player it's pretty great (can't remember what I once calculated but it goes up to something like 57.5% I believe).
Secondly, as has been said, Sky is very reliable and imo the system is much easier to understand and use (in fact you don't have to do anything). I don't like the idea of merchandise stores and having to 'buy' bonuses as you have to calculate for yourself how to give yourself the best the deal.
Thirdly, I actually like that it gives me set targets each month. It's pretty easy tbh (as a SnG player at least) to plan ahead so that you have no last minute rush at all. I can decide in the last 5 days of the month, say, whether to work hard for 2 days and take 3 complete days off or to just breeze through the last 5 days, it's my choice.
All that been said I fully understand and see the appeal in calls for points to be 'carried over' so as not to be wasted. At the end of the day, though, I am concerned that such 'give' on Skys part might necessitate 'take' in that the actual moneys per point might drop. Whilst this will benefit some it will also harm others who work to targets based around the structure that currently exists.
For the record, I am not against what you are saying, I would love to carry points over. Many times I have hit a ceiling on points and then played on another site because there was no point grinding here as I knew I wouldnt make the next point. And I am only on 1000/2000 points roughly a month. I will get to say 1k points then go elsewhere. It would make me play here longer, for sure.
I was just pointing out that the better players will go where the bets deals are, at all levels. The real fish, the real dead money, is to be found with guys who don't know any better so tend to stay at the same site
1) In my experience SkyPoker always pay the money into your account within the timeframe of the deal. This is very important in my experience (I remember the old 'Gamble-Equal' days with people posting 'where's my Cake?' on and on.
2) You know how much you will receive and how far you are from the next level.
Also unlike other schemes you don't have to earn points after claiming the bonus as well as before, and if you take a month off your earning potential isn't as hampered as on other sites.
All together I'm very happy with it.