Was in a tourney . Had pocket pair so pushed hoping to take out a small stack . Was called by a.n. other and re-raised all in by the small stack. I wanted to push all-in to isolate him ( had 88 against 33 ) but the software would only allow me to call his all-in which give Mr a.n. other only a small amount to call me which cost me the hand where my pushing all-in might have made him fold.
Why could I not push ? Is this a software issue or is there some hidden rule I've missed ? Anybody know ?
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.to In Response to Re: reraise allins disallowed - software issue?:
It's well worth remembering this rule, particularly in bounty hunters. Let's say you have a premium pair and you put in a raise hoping that a short stack after you will push, then you need to make your bet small enough that his push counts as a raise, not a call, that gives you the opportunity to go over the top of anybody else who decides to call to chase his bounty.
n Response to Re: reraise allins disallowed - software issue?:
Thanks for replies folks.
n Response to Re: reraise allins disallowed - software issue?: