DiggerMan5000001£350 + 40 League PointsAaaces302£212.50 + 36 League Pointsduluxdav2603£150 + 28 League Pointsminty1104£125 + 22 League Pointswynne193805£100 + 18 League Pointsjuliomcfly06£87.50 + 14 League Pointslyonsbob0607£75 + 10 League Points Next Stop Dusk Til Dawn!!!
just satilited into ukops 3 for a fiver magic 8000 chips and good levels going on hols next day a nice cash would be nice . finished just out of money in tonights double stack 37th grrrrr Next up dtd weekend should be emotional come on the squadies be lucky and brave lol
About time I had a change of luck, came 2nd in the £2000 gtd
PeteLTFC1800001£560 + 40 League Pointswynne193802£340 + 36 League Pointsgrantos88803£240 + 28 League PointsDEKKER520704£200 + 22 League Pointslilfish1705£160 + 18 League PointsBigHawk8906£140 + 14 League Pointsstiffy61007£120 + 10 League
If only you knew how many bad beats I have had this week and been on tilt all week, but now I have picked myself up and I'm back with a vengeance, Roll on DTD Monday!
wynne1938780001£92.50 + 20 League PointsPUTT4BIRDI02£55.50 + 16 League Pointsturnover003£37 + 12 League Pointspaulg123048 League Points
wow just qualified for ukops main event for £2.70 TheTrick04 36005 1 UKOPS Main Event kennybad 15190 2 UKOPS Main Event boby54 8805 3 UKOPS Main Event DiggerMan 0 4 Posted by kennybad
Welcome to HitBrags sikas!!
I will check with Sky to make sure they increase the space in this Thread!!! haha
Pwnd THEW's AT 10
DiggerMan5000001£350 + 40 League PointsAaaces302£212.50 + 36 League Pointsduluxdav2603£150 + 28 League Pointsminty1104£125 + 22 League Pointswynne193805£100 + 18 League Pointsjuliomcfly06£87.50 + 14 League Pointslyonsbob0607£75 + 10 League Points
Next Stop Dusk Til Dawn!!!
Hitsquad Forever
Team Runners Wins Team points League Points
HITSQUAD 98 6 58 27
Team51 85 - 51 27
POKERTREV 95 3 63 26
KNIGHTPLOP 45 1 36 24
Team SKY 2 - 3 4
PeteLTFC1800001£560 + 40 League Pointswynne193802£340 + 36 League Pointsgrantos88803£240 + 28 League PointsDEKKER520704£200 + 22 League Pointslilfish1705£160 + 18 League PointsBigHawk8906£140 + 14 League Pointsstiffy61007£120 + 10 League
wynne1938780001£92.50 + 20 League PointsPUTT4BIRDI02£55.50 + 16 League Pointsturnover003£37 + 12 League Pointspaulg123048 League Points
TheTrick04360051UKOPS Main Eventkennybad151902UKOPS Main Eventboby5488053UKOPS Main EventDiggerMan04
Nice one Kenny good luck!!
19:45 £100 Deep Stack
3barrels9500001£51.30 + 20 League PointsPloppy3302£29.83 + 16 League PointsMacMonster03£20.90 + 14 League Points
Nice one 3barrels!