I'm ad-libbing, but from Schwartz's commentary on that big HU tourney on the other poker channel.
Jessie May, "Durr's a phenomonen, what makes him soooo good at HU Luke?"
LS : "He's not particularly good. He luckboxed his millions and isn't even breaking even at HU. He might scare the odd fish. He wouldn't do that to me."
Later, Jessie May, in his usual bombastic style "Wow!! And what do you think of Durr's poker face there Luke?"
LS, deadpan, : "Pretty annoying. Rocking back and forwards like an idiot. He's a geek and any decent player would destroy him. He's annoying me. I hope I get him in the next round."
Say what you like about Luke-o but he makes me lol. Think he's hilarious. "I soooo pwnned you Benyamine, you annoying Frenchman!!!" lol
Benyamine, admittedly, did then pwnn Schwartz. And that was funny too.
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I remember hearing this in the commentary and thinking it was an interesting insight. They played together 5 years ago shwartz mentioned, Dwan being pretty bad and just being a luckbox like you say above.
Another interesting comment from shwartz was that Dwan doesnt seem to know what he's doing much of the time, just randomly firing into pots without any real higher level thinking.
Cant say I'm a big fan of shwartz tbh