after much deliberation and peer pressure (not that it was needed ofc) i booked tickets to LV
never even been to america let alone vegas and i cant wait to get out there. i plan on railing scotty and co during the ME but also playing the venetian deepstacks, hopefully last longer in them than the deepstacks over here

i also aim to play other tournies and sample a variety of casinos, everyone seems to have their own different favourite. as a newbie what places can experienced vegas visitors reccomend for me. shows to see, restaurants to sample, tournaments to play etc etc
a very excited Hurst05
Have a fantastic time mate! I'm sure you will.
Hursty + roulette= danger imo!
Not to mention, Peppermint Hippos lol. it can get expensive hehe
me and Hurtsy will both be grinding 2p/4p around mid July time IMO.
Have a good time Hursty and run golden (like normal!)
Not sure about any deepstacks out there, but look out for any with the name Anthony Kendal on the list of runners and get registered ! (plenty of value in those)
keep enough safe for cardiff
good luck
Don't forget your id.
have a great time mate ,
it is a very special place indeed, as for poker rooms my favourite is caesars,mainly due to the fact that it is the only one that has a sepertae card room,so not at smokey and not to much noise.the best card rooms for the structure of tourneys i found is the venetian,althhough most of the big boys are very good,to make money play the 1/2 no limit game it plays like 5p/10p over here,im not a good player and i found them easy.
also for nights out go to lax nightclub and try to stop your eyes popping out, try to stay clear of blackjack and roulette as they are not +ev and arent that much fun..
Good Luck in vegas
See ya there honey bun. xx
Aria - 1pm $230 15k stack 30 min levels
Aria - 7pm $120 8k stack 30 min levels
Binions Classic series is still on when you are going (NLHE $160 - 12k stack 35 mins)
Caesars Megastack (NLHE $130 - 15k stack 30 mins)
For a quicker game, MGM Grand at 11.05am and 7.05pm has for $80 6k chips 20 min levels, I won $450 in 3 hours here when we wanted a faster game!
Caesars/Bellagio/Venetian/Aria all good for poker
Have an awesome time and run good.
Are we jealous? **** yeah, but we still want to know how you get on, so please keep us up to date.