In Response to Re: Psst., we've got a new Mod. You'll never guess who it is... : Can't be maxally you have his cars wheels,wind mirrors and stereo last i heard lol Posted by delaney09
note to self stop talking out loud in Als Bar when drunk ))
In Response to Re: Psst., we've got a new Mod. You'll never guess who it is... : note to self stop talking out loud in Als Bar when drunk )) Posted by scouse_red
On a more serious note, those of who have met Chris either at the tables or at an SPT will know how much of a true gent he is. He puts in hours of work on these forums anyway and I'm glad he's joined the Mods
What the frick is this meant to mean?
There,ll be more mods than posters soon
So who are all the mods now?
First: 7/6/2011
Last: 7/6/2011
GL Chris!