Well, there's always one moaner and this time- it's me. A £220 seat instead of a £110 one? Yeah lovely, except I'm doing the show on Sunday! So when, sorry I mean 'if', I win tonight's TSP-lite, I won't be able to take my seat in the Sunday Roller! Ah well, I think I'll just play tonight anyway. So, if I don't win tonight now you know why- because I purposely and generously let the rest of you have a go for once ;-) Posted by RICHORFORD
Well, there's always one moaner and this time- it's me. A £220 seat instead of a £110 one? Yeah lovely, except I'm doing the show on Sunday! So when, sorry I mean 'if', I win tonight's TSP-lite, I won't be able to take my seat in the Sunday Roller! Ah well, I think I'll just play tonight anyway. So, if I don't win tonight now you know why- because I purposely and generously let the rest of you have a go for once ;-) Posted by RICHORFORD
FML, so am I.
I run SO bad.
Warning, Mr Wass - I think I may be particularly grumpy on Sunday. Just saying, thats all.
In Response to Re: The TSP Lite League - Week 2 - ADDED Value Changed to a £220 SUNDAY ROLLER SEAT for tonights winner : FML, so am I. I run SO bad. Warning, Mr Wass - I think I may be particularly grumpy on Sunday. Just saying, thats all. Posted by Tikay10
A quick Google search returns 29,800 hits for Wassock, but 41,900 for Wazzock.
don't forget that there are bounties on any TSP players head ......................anyone who knocks out a TSPer will receive free entry to next weeks comp so far I make it 3
don't forget that there are bounties on any TSP players head ......................anyone who knocks out a TSPer will receive free entry to next weeks comp so far I make it 3 Ricorford Dantb10 Scotty77 Posted by scouse_red
(Serious, not joking, sorry.....).
Sky Poker, in their wisdom, have REMOVED the added value Prize of a Sky Roller Seat, (Thursday, £110) from this Tourney, sorry.
Sky Poker, in their infinite wisdom, have now ADDED a "Sunday Roller" Seat (£220, Sunday) for the winner of tonight's TSP-Lite.
Get innnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!
Will change the Thread Title as soon as I can get hold of Scotty77, or if a Mod could change it now, please do so.
Tourney is now in the highlighted section of the Lobby.
If this Tourney does not get 200 runners tonight, I'm so gonna get shot. So is Scotty........
In Response to Re: Foretell my finish in the Wednesday night TSP Classic and get your next one free!:
gl Richard...................................30th
I run SO bad.
Warning, Mr Wass - I think I may be particularly grumpy on Sunday. Just saying, thats all.