This is a time in my poker life where my head is a wreck. Mentally im crumbling. Ive got the biggest tournament ive ever played in comming up in just over a week (UKIPT Newcastle) Which until now my only live event ive played that has a feild that isnt 100% fish was SPT Leeds.
This had lead to some rather mixed emotions in my head aswell. Im a bag of nerves. Not only that i have no idea what to expect. And to top all that off im playing like a complete donk. And with some of the weirdest run o cards ive ever had. I would call it run bad, but ive had monsters aswell.
Breif report of hands from my last session
AA v 95s (flop K95r) 100BB lost.
A9s v K7o Hit royal flush to win a 40BB pot.
33 v 6Qdd (flop 349ddd) lost 100BB pot.
AA v KK win 50BB pot, 4 flushing cards came out that neither of us had, opponent tried to slow play.
TT v JJ lost 20BB pot.
9Thh v AJhh (678hhh flop) win 75BB pot (i hate short-stackers he was only opponent less than 200BB on table

So a breif rundown of everything
A) Im playing like a complete loony. I 3-bet 49o to a LAG player at a live game :S. He shoved. Sigh lol.

The cards im getting is just off. None of my big hands are holding, when they are i cant find the pay button. But when i have a middle holding and i hit im finding the pay or stack off buttons to easy.
C) I almost dont want to play at the moment. One minute im loving the game, the next i hate it.
D) Stresss isnt good for a poker player.
So im looking for advice. for
A) Improving mental strenth

Approching a live tournament thats bigger than anything youve played before.
GL and run good, defo something to be excited about dont be worried it should be fun
I hope this helps in some small way, are a regular and much respected member in this community and I for one really wish you gd luck as I'm sure everyone else does.
You feel like you are going in the lions den but controlling those nerves early on will be paramount ,do nothing foolish at the beginning and keep out of trouble and those nerves will soon ebb away.....good luck and run like a god but above all enjoy it you ain't going to hospital and having a kidney transplant......:)
but if you are gonna play then GL and don't worry. don't overanalyse the situation. when I played in the GUKPT, because of the big BI, I expected a far better standard of play that I encountered.
most of the field will just be average....
I did do a few sats before i was bought in, lost important flips in them but as you said the feild seemed average, and in honesty in the whole i never felt there was a better player in the satellite than me. That maybe sounds a lil cocky. But its the only way i can describe it.
I used to compete in athletics at a fairly high level and when I had a big competition coming up I felt the same way you do regards your poker atm. The week before I'd be running like a novice. Confidence was low. When I saw list of other competitors I used to think "wow, they're way better than me!" I'd sometimes be almost physical sick prior to run. When the gun went these feelings disappeared!
It's a head thing Don!
Having read all you play hands you post and seen some of your play I'd say you've got VERY little to be afraid of. Your peers hold you in V. high regard so I'd just say relax and treat it as experience.
Oh and stay off the booze when away! lol
GL Pad
Oh and Don, if you've been bought into it just have fun, everything to gain and nothing to lose.
Sigh will keep on thinking. Might be able to provide you with a pre vegas hursty like sweat
Be Confident, Focus, You will have No problem!!
I am Rabbish, & I made 2nd Day at London GUKPT on the back of a bad shirt, took Praz to knock me out, cause the shirt was puttin him off, LOL !!
Only One, apart from Praz really, who bothered me, was Glitterbabe!!!
[& Chris Kyrianou, wot a nutter, LOL]
Take an hour or Two off, watch some Sopranos or summat u like, deep breathes.....
Then take over the Fargin world....simples