Hi all,
I'm back on your screens this weekend- with Tikay tomorrow for the Sunday Roller and tonight with Ian Fraser for The Big Game.
So we're on air later tonight at 9pm on Channel 865 and with you till 1 in them morning, bringing you the best coverage of our high-stakes cash tables: £2.50/£5!
As ever, we can't do the show without you- so please feel free to add your comments below and I'll endeavour to read them all out on air.
Tonight's topic of conversation goes something like this...
(1) What's the best thing that happened to you this week?
(2) And what's the worst thing that happened to you this week?
Get your teeth into that- and remember it's a free TSP Classic seat to the one we like best.
Here's mine...
(1) Coming 2nd in the TSP Classic
(2) Attending a kids party at 10am this morning with a hangover
Fire away! And see you at 9!
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(1) Having a successful operation
I'll think of something way more interesting than that before 9pm.
[QUOTE](1) Having an operation (2) Having a successful operation ;-) I'll think of something way more interesting than that before 9pm.
Posted by MMegabyte
Hi Jenny,
Yes, just caught up with that on the forum. Glad to hear it went well and hopefully you'll soon be on the mend!
1. Watching Rich come 2nd in the TSP, only because nobody had mentioned it yet, can't think why nobody has ?
2. Having toothache
3. Happy, Jenny has a succesful op wiiiiiiiii xx
(1) Zilch, nothing, nada!
(2) Paying my car tax,receiving a speeding ticket and my exhaust going on the motor in the space of 3 days!
Question for Ian....Apart from WBA (obv!), who do you think will get relegated next season?
Have a good show guys!
The worst thing she said I wont get a Chinese Saturday I will cook instead.
Have a great show gents all the best
aka shipdchips (Team THS)
2, Worst thing to happen to me - mmmm Being called a bloke by Young_Gun
Worst thing that happened....losing the next five games of 10 pin bowling to my brother!
2. i've got man flu
1) realising that next week is my last week at college till september

2) Getting a tip on a 40/1 shot was about to click place bet with £10 e/w on it but bottled it at the last minute and then watched it win,. I felt like crying
Hope you have a better week next week!
Thanks to the people who entered the tournament as well. Don't know who won though.
(2) And what's the worst thing that happened to you this week?
(1) Watching Rich Orford finish 2nd in the TSP Classic
(2) Watching Rich Orford finish 2nd in the TSP Classic
Its one of those Love/Hate things - You know you shoulden't like it, but for some strange reason you did.
Best of luck with the show.
Pokertrev (Official TPT Team Captain)
a) Going one place better than Tikay in last Mondays £100 DS game. He came second, guess where I came lol
b) Being accepted into Team Poker Trev
2) Orford going 38 places better then my guess in this weeks TSP competition. Congratulations by the way, i'm not sure if anyone else has mentioned on the forum that you came 2nd on Wednesday.
(1) What's the best thing that happened to you this week? 2nd in last nights rebuy open for £900, been running hot all week tho
(2) And what's the worst thing that happened to you this week?
Had an stressful friday at work women moaning etc normal but obviously the above cheered me up
also very well played in the TSP Classic .... now please dont mention it again