To be looked at please;
Registering after completing HU sng - consistently, when I finish a sit and go, and the opponent declines a rematch I am offered the chance to re-register in a sit and go of the same type. However, when playing £20+1 normal speed heads up tournaments, the 're-register in same SnG' registers me for a turbocharged tournament instead of a normal speed tournament.
Tournament filters - regularly the touranment filters do not filter correctly, specifically satelites remaining in the list when 'regular' filter is applied.
Sit and Go filters (speed/buyin) - yesterday I was having a problem with some SnG not been filtered correctly; I can't find that fault today but will keep an eye out again.
SnG prizepools - please PLEASE change the prizepool to reflect what the final payouts will be, not based on the current number of entries that are registered at the moment, the SnG will never start until it is full so why show payouts that will never happen? e.g. Im sitting at a £50+2.50 headsup SnG and the 1st prize is £50 when clearly it should be £100.
I have more but I have a mind like a sieve so will have to wait for them to happen again!
Will expand shortly, if I post this then it forces me to remember to write about it!!!
Thanks for taking the time to write all these, they're all being investigated now, some are quicker and easier to resolve than others.
HU Play Again Speed - investigating
Satellite tournaments appearing under regular filter - this should all have been resolved now. The only exception is some of the major semi-finals will remain here for now.
Sit and Go filters - Investigating
Sit and Go Payouts - we're looking at this now, we can definitely improve it in the short term using your example.
We'll update this thread when we have more info
Thanks Again
Sky Poker Team