Have downloaded the trial of Hold em manager and i know it doesnt work on Sky, but I have a few questions about getting the heads up diaplay working/situated in the right positions on other sites, and downloading my hand history from a certain big site currently under DOJ, which it doesnt seem to be doing.......
Anyone know alot about it that i can PM my questions to?
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its crazy that there isnt some kind of tutorial on their own site. The FAQs bit is craaaaap
Is there nothing on their own forums
PM your question I will take a look for you.
"Welcome aboard @PokerTracker. Yes, I know full well of Nolan's pedigree, & quality, no doubting that. Can we be friends now & cooey-wooey?"
Does 'welcome aboard' mean that Poker Tracker 4 will be compatible with Sky Poker? Probably not. But you never know.
I hope not, one of skys USP is "no tracking softwere" and long may it last.
Its a very important question. Cheese burgers depend apon it.
Would be great to be able to download it from set periods of time.
Then again it might be an amalgamation of bespoke software that allows HH to be downloaded by players, in which case Irene is a happy bunny ;o))