james and tikay hotel trip ......check in have marvellous time get drunk 1st night in vegas(what happens in vegas stays in vegas)(james spiking tetotaller tikays drink for a"""""""laugh"""""""""!)All you remember is both of you turning up at reception in white y fronts , claiming to have been locked out of your rooms but can't strictly even remember the floor of your room let alone the number!!!!!!!!!!Duncan.
P.S got knocked out in 12th in BH with my AQ v 10-6 and matey hit a 10 anyway could of got away from the hand???? Duncan.
when Tikay was playing on the final table he got A's K's and all and another person got A'c A'd another got another got Q'c Q'd another got J'c J'd another got 10'c 10'd and the last got 8's 9's and on the flop came 10's J's Q's.. Tikay played nice and tight and one off them goes all in ever body calls him and good old chip leader goes all in and every calls hi and everybody is all in... on the turn the Q'h comes out then on the river the A'h... Tikay ask anybody up for a big cash table they all said no sorry not with you luck..Tikay ends up going home on his private jet...
its really annoying at SPTs etc and I really really wish I could go bk in time and change it to ryan77!
P.S got knocked out in 12th in BH with my AQ v 10-6 and matey hit a 10 anyway could of got away from the hand???? Duncan.
when Tikay was playing on the final table he got A's K's and all and another person got A'c A'd another got another got Q'c Q'd another got J'c J'd another got 10'c 10'd and the last got 8's 9's and on the flop came 10's J's Q's..
Tikay played nice and tight and one off them goes all in ever body calls him and good old chip leader goes all in and every calls hi and everybody is all in... on the turn the Q'h comes out then on the river the A'h... Tikay ask anybody up for a big cash table they all said no sorry not with you luck..Tikay ends up going home on his private jet...
please say this one live thank you bkboy18
Now, give James a dozen dinner plates and nothing's hitting the floor.