Forum reg Don is playing in Day 1a of this event today. I'm sure you'll all join me in wishing Don and any other Sky players in the field the best of luck. It sounds like he's going quite well at the moment, this was posted on the UKIPT Facebook feed a few minutes ago;
Orange t-shirt, bottle of Sol, and looking very happy indeed! That's Don Campbell in seat 3 on table 19. He was down to 4,000 chips an hour ago but now stands as chip leader on his table. Couldn't get close enough for the chip count though. Also on Don's table is Brett Angell with one of the shortest stacks.
You can follow Don's progress on his Twitter feed here;!/The_don90
n1 gary ,
gl the don .
I will be doing a full report for this but i need to write it up and im just home now (7.25am) so could take a while.
Busting when i did was very disappointing although all will be explained.