Hi, i've been playing on sky poker for a couple of years now but lately play very little. We all have bad beats which is part of the game but playing at the lower levels for fun it seems to happen far to often. It's abit like the game at my local pub where no matter how you raise everyone wants to see the flop resulting in 4 & 5 hands in the pot, This eventualy gets me into a situation where i just call with premium hands and only follow up with the nuts or plenty of draws which becomes a very boring and automated like game. I would like to start enjoying the game on sky again and would like some advice as to what stake level would i start to see better play? Dont get me wrong, i love to see the better players who can read the situation and bluff you of the pot or call with a medium hand feeling they got you beat. I also understand that at every level there will always be some players who call with any two cards, but at what level you feel this is drasticaly reduced?
many thanks in advance and any advice appreciated.
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But you WANT bad players in the hands. Yes people will call lighter at lower stakes but you WANT that. Just tighten your starting hand range and when you do enter a pot start betting big.
There are a number of 50/100nl grinders who started out on 2p/4p and used this basic ABC strategy along with good BRM skills to get where they are. Yes it takes discipline and hard work but it is very achievable.
Also don't get tilted by other peopls 'bad' play. They put their money down and are entittled to do what they want with it.
the most cursed offerings of cards are rewarded in this game.
bad luck to ye.