What makes me laugh is that Sky are giving odds on ready steady teddy to make the final table and no sign of redmond lee! And under what grounds does michael greco qualify as a celeb! Posted by ACEGOONER
The Sky Bet folks are on the case with the Viva Las Vegas market and we'll add Redmond to the list of options in the main betting for you
In Response to Re: WSOP Main Event - Betting Open : I'll mention it to the Bet guys to see if more of the young Brits can be added to the market too. As for Lee R, I wouldn't want to say 100% but I am 99.9% sure it's Redmond Posted by Sky_Dave
Ok ty m8, can we have a price for Roland as well then plz, ty
There is a link on Skybet where if you wanna bet on something they dont have odds for you can ask for them, maybe try that rather than have dave running back and forth so much?
Ill find it in a sec and put the link on here
Shaz xxx
Edit - It Just says to contact customer services and they will look into it for you
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What makes me laugh is that Sky are giving odds on ready steady teddy to make the final table and no sign of redmond lee!
And under what grounds does michael greco qualify as a celeb!
As for Lee R, I wouldn't want to say 100% but I am 99.9% sure it's Redmond
Ill find it in a sec and put the link on here
Edit - It Just says to contact customer services and they will look into it for you
Requesting Odds
If you've had a great idea for a bet or can't find odds for a selection on our site, get in touch with our Customer Care team and we'll have a look at it for you.