pump up the jam http://youtu.be/9EcjWd-O4jI FTA On a redeeming note i think that even the most smug and unimaginative recipients of a ' free ' buy in will be alarmed at the lenghths that some their opponents will go to work them over . naturally this begs the question, " how many times has this happened to me before " ? ...... As long as you are the mind masher and not mashee then you are +ev. good on yer guv'nor and i still hope you are playing drunk from time to time. POMP IT URP ;p
On a redeeming note i think that even the most smug and unimaginative recipients of a ' free ' buy in will be alarmed at the lenghths that some their opponents will go to work them over .
naturally this begs the question, " how many times has this happened to me before " ? ......
As long as you are the mind masher and not mashee then you are +ev.
good on yer guv'nor and i still hope you are playing drunk from time to time.