Hi all,
I hope you have had a great week, and are dodging the showers this weekend..where is our summer!????
Join Carlo and I tonight, live from 9pm when we will be bringing you plenty of cash action, Top of the Pots and some general Saturday night banter.
General topic....
Loves/passions/hobbies outside of playing poker...
I may also be talking about summer memories tonight as well, if we all do it, maybe we will jolt the weather into remembering what month it is!!
As always have a great night if you are playing, love to hear from you so email/post and see you soon
A x
I play the violin in a symphony orchestra, love music generally, read, write, play computer games, and follow the hapless Leicester City. I also like watching ice hockey and might still play with Lego occasionally.
If you struggle to get any replies, take a look at this thread I prepared earlier....
Away from poker
Can I come round and play??
We could make a full size Carlo and then do stuff to him. (Like VoooooDoooo)
Main summer memory - '76 and that endless hot school holiday
Have a great show Anna & Carlo
Might have to stick the heating on soon though.
Also I think we will have chats about Summer tonight, not hobbies outside of poker!!
We all have had at least one goooood summer right... summer songs, smells, hols, romances, bbqs, long school holidays...
see you in a mo x
No naughty, i've got a t-shirt on. It's young gun who likes to show his moobs off on here not me.
nice hand from mc 1
had them on the flush draw:)
We would watch the matches and then go outside in red hot sunshine to play football for hours in the street.
We'd have jumpers for goal posts in the middle of the road and we hardly ever got disturbed by cars back then.
Also during Wimbledon fortnight we'd all be out playing tennis instead of football.
I only bet 5.50 on the river to induce a reraise bluff, i had them on a fd, unlikey to have any pair
FWIW, wacko folded that JJ intentionally, he honestly thought i had an overpair