Rumour has it greg is unsettled in the TKP (boot) camp .
It is believed that he finds the irene (boss woman ) fitness regime & lettuce diet
tough going .
overheard by a tabloid reporter the following :
Greg " christ irene what you think i am a rabbit "
irene boss woman " you should be so lucky , on the floor 50 more press ups ,
you lazy gi tt "
so team51 opens the biding war ,
at 1 half eating slightly browning apple .
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Irene!! Super Injuction FTW!!!
I am NOT for sale
And fwiw lettuce is tastier than i thought.
Dohhhhhhh, even though you seem to have given me unlimited access to deckchair shirts, i decline.
i am happy with my boss ( irene ) my club TKP .
man up one place left in team51 ,
go tell her greg , go in to that office now ,
go on greg tell her your team51 now lol .