Not on gregs table now but last hand before he moved rivered his opponent!!! to be fair he was ahead on flop, his op went ahead on turn, then greg went back ahead but thats not the point!
well im out in 112th!! so maxally needs to get 73rd to beat me and labrat 67th so i reckon ive fallen at the last hurdle, but its been good anyway gl guys in your play off - im off to bed!!!
well im out in 112th!! so maxally needs to get 73rd to beat me and labrat 67th so i reckon ive fallen at the last hurdle, but its been good anyway gl guys in your play off - im off to bed!!! Posted by loonytoons
Unlucky, loonytoons - but it's not over yet! How will you be able to sleep? Surely you want to stay up and anti-rail MAXALLY and labrat64?
well im out in 112th!! so maxally needs to get 73rd to beat me and labrat 67th so i reckon ive fallen at the last hurdle, but its been good anyway gl guys in your play off - im off to bed!!! Posted by loonytoons
In Response to Re: SKY REGIONAL LEAGUE - WEEK 5 (21/06/2011) : thank you pomfrittes... appreciate that.. good luck and if you win.. well deserved. Posted by aussie09
Great tourney James btw
Thanks for comp James really enjoiyed it untill tonight
Excellent competition James, and good luck to whoever wins the East and the overall competition.
James.. thank you for putting this league together. it has been good fun.