Right well im done with cash for a while. My BR has dwindled down to £70.....yet again. So sick and tired of going up to £110/£130 to slide back down again to £70 after mostly being outdrawn by complete and utter pillocks. Its gotten so bad this month that im on tilt before I even sit down.
Right gripe over......where is that great guide I saw knocking around for DYMs? Gonna start playing them for a while to try and shake off this mood of mine and attempt to build a roll that way, but want to read up about them first.....cant find it even using the search. Anyone send me the link?
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if you have £120 then you should be playing 4-8nl at best....
eyeman had a great blog on dyms.......i think most players play tight waiting for the impatient ones to knock each other out and the start to play on the bubble(playing any top hands inbetween)
but then if you all play that strategy it comes down to who gets the cards...........(which is also ok imo)
unless god forbid people actually play poker in them
i think it is very hard to make money out of dym's in the long run ive won 6 or 7 in a row then lost a couple and by the time you take the rake off you are not that far ahead,
ur best bet is playing some hu, u double ur money and no one else can mess it up for u by playing like a goon. also 10min levels its a good structure, oh and bi fee is cheaper.
have 2 or 3 on the go at once, and if ur a decent enuff player ull be raking it in.
Had a look back at some of my hands, and they are (Suprise suprise) not all outdraws...some are very tilty plays tbf (nice little example was me open raising with 5x KJs on the button, then three barreling MP K kicker into top pair......mug)......I have gotten in ahead a **** of alot only to be outdrawn in the last month and a half though.
It just gets me down, I follow the same old pattern of going up to £100 or so then back down to £70, then back up to £100......anoying as ****.....I would expect this kind of thing if I was LAG - but im not!!!
I also know im not getting nearly enough value from my winning hands on river bets, need to address that too.
Keep calm and carry on and wipe out those tilty donk plays I guess. its odd, I dont seem to tilt insantly, but slowly and gradually over a week or so until im almost on tilt before I sit down at a session.....bad times!
I guess I need to look at it from the perspective of at least im currently breaking even over time.....just need to tweak and play to turn a profit.
+1 - definately
HU sngs at turbo speed are similar in that you can get donked out in the odd game. But in 30 mins you can play 6 to 8 of them if you two table. If you are more of a purist you can play standard speed hu games, skill prevails in this game as there really is nowhere to hide for a weak player.
It really depends on how much time you are prepared to dedicate, you can get serious cash for points playing a lot of hu games.