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A horrible experiance thats left me completey disillusioned

The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
edited June 2011 in Poker Chat
Last night i went up to the casino (i wont mention what one due to the circumstances) but I've literally never seem a situation like this one.

Most people know i always use a card protector. Thats so i know if theirs any hassles i have a leg to stand on. Yesterday was no different. Although the situation was.

Im drawn my table. I already know theres groups in this casino. But usually they have a little bit of banter and a laugh. There was 4 people id never met before last night, they where all drawn onto my table. From the way they spoke they where clearly regulars however it just might be tha wehn ive been there theyve had a nightoff. One of these 4 draw the K of spades as the highest card and has to deal. The guy doesnt seem to mind, and tbh i dont either as i hate dealing while im playing it effects my game badly.

Suffle up and deal is sounded and we're off, first hand im UTG and would fold 99% of hands but being delt Qc Qs was just too good to pass up i raise 4.5BB. 2 callers. I know rraises arent normally respected in this place i actually expected 3 callers minimum to this or a re-raise from a LAG guy on the button.

The flop comes 2d 7c Ts

I bet one guy folds. The other calls. Turn Qh

Again i bet and the guy calls.

River 4s

I check to get a bet which comes and before i can do anything the dealer hands the other guy the pot. Before he takes it in i say Wait i still have cards and im still in the hand. Now im not sure but im pretty sure i have the nuts here. The dealer says, you clearly have nothing and your going to fold, im not waiting around.

I say ok then im all in. Dealer says, but your cards are now dead. I replied I still have my cards right here (i point to them) and their protected see (point to the card protector). The dealer says that doesnt matter as hes declared my hand is dead. He calls over the TD. The TD wasnt the guy who i knew to be the TD he was another guy, although he looked official id spoke to the guy who booked me in before and he was the usuall TD. This guy says i should protect my cards, i ask him to come to my seat nicley (while being very rattled admitedly) and point that i still have my cards and their protected. He said the clearly wherent at all times. I said i think ull find they where and requested him to check the cameras. He refused. I lost my bet for the call and get the rest of my chips back (1/4 of starting stack.).

This sends me into some serious tilt which i never recovered from. I was angry, very angry. I try and keep focused but after this every time i raise the opponent from the 1st hand asks " who raised" the dealer would say me. After 6 times (roughly) of this i pipe up. Now at this point Ive lost a pot on the river with the nuts, ive not hit a single flop once. Ive had my 20BB 4bet called 4way and got 3 all ins on a T high flop. So im rattled for multiple reasons, and i say, "youve asked this every time ive raised since the first hand. You clearly have something personal about me and the next word out your mouth is call. So just hurry up and call an dget it over with. Oh and dont think im not stupid youve not even looked at your cards yet." My lanuage wasnt quite as clean as that in honesty but its as close as i can type here. Sure enough he calls and still hasnt looked, but ive now got him on the edge. Turnbs out his 63os flops a straight. Im left with 1700 chips from a 10K starting.

I go all in with AT. The again asks who raised. Before dealer can state anything "me im all in you clearly want my bounty, so come and get it" he calls again without looking. I exit on this hand. Rather relieved tbh.

However in a situation like this. Mostly the first hand one. Is there anything i can do in honesty? I love poker, i love live poker, but after this i'm not sure i ever want to look at a game of cards again. Its really sucked alot of life out of me. Ok you can say its only a £25 tourny onto the next one. But ive always had principles and honour and this has just made me lose faith in it all. I felt it was rigged, and if i felt a live poker game was rigged in a casino, then how can i trust anything.


  • Sky_DaveSky_Dave Member Posts: 3,288
    edited June 2011
    Incredibly bad ruling and, if it were part of a larger company, I would complain to them. If your cards were covered and not in the muck at any point, the dealer is not allowed to declare the hand dead, nor should he be involved in such a decision - that should be deemed by a TD.

    I wouldn't let it tilt me, but I wouldn't let them get another penny out of me in business until I get the matter cleared up with their bosses.

    Disclaimer: personal viewpoint, not that of Sky, etc etc.
  • billybootsbillyboots Member Posts: 1,197
    edited June 2011
    In Response to Re: A horrible experiance thats left me completey disillusioned:

    My heart goes out to you Don..............I've said it on here play against a crowd where I don't anyone and not sure whether the room is legit and to be less than honest is def not something I would be comfortable with................soz to hear you've been taken for a ride m8.
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited June 2011
    Dave ty for your responce. I will be going back up and speaking to the card room manager i tried to request money back last night due to the situation but i was pretty would up and was asked politley to leave the premises. I left but asked the security guard at the door to speak to me and explained the situation i was allowed back in (thank god as it was raining and my dad was still playing and he had the keys to the car) but under the condition i didnt approch the card room yesterday. Ive spoken to the casino in brief and they asked me to come back when i was a little more calm and discuss the matter which i will be doing. I felt very ill treated, and certainly if its not sorted i wont be playing there again.
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited June 2011
    Wouldn't happen online ;)

    Already told you off forum Don, but I'll +1 what Dave said again, wouldn't let it lie, get on to management or whatever until you get some compo.!
  • pilgrim07pilgrim07 Member Posts: 232
    edited June 2011

         Sounds a bit of a threatening scenario you`ve descibed there Don, I don`t think
         that I would want to return there under any circumstances.
  • yidette9yidette9 Member Posts: 703
    edited June 2011
    omg Don, that's terrible.

    I would definitely take it further

    Probably the only way these losers can win.

    You are far too good for that place
  • JockBMWJockBMW Member Posts: 2,653
    edited June 2011
    Don,  You've put me on Tilt just reading that story.  That is outrageous.  Can you take it further up the line?  At the very least the  TD should get the sack

    That is one of the reasons I never play at self dealt Casinos.  what is the point of going to a Casino Just to have some guy at a table you've never met, dealing cards to some of his mates.  Not on In my opinion 

  • 5toneFace5toneFace Member Posts: 246
    edited June 2011
    How can your hand be dead?? If you dont say fold or chuck them into the muck, your hand can never be dead. It doesnt seem you argued your point very well. 

    I'd make a complaint about the TD for such a terrible ruling. And would never return to that casino.
  • tapewormtapeworm Member Posts: 432
    edited June 2011

    Serious skullduggery there mate. Shifty as.

    Deffo wouldnt go back to play, but I would be taking it further. Ive only been to a couple of casinos, but I dont think id ever play at a self dealt one......didnt even know you could get them to be fair.

  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited June 2011
    In Response to Re: A horrible experiance thats left me completey disillusioned:
    Serious skullduggery there mate. Shifty as. Deffo wouldnt go back to play, but I would be taking it further. Ive only been to a couple of casinos, but I dont think id ever play at a self dealt one......didnt even know you could get them to be fair.
    Posted by tapeworm
    to be honest its difficult for me to get dealer delt games. In almost all my local casinos all poker games bar their big monthly ones are self delt. Their cash ttables at one of them are dealer delt which i enjoy the other you have to pay an extra £2 per hour ontop of £3 per hour for use of chips, tables and cards etc and then you have your rake. Its daft if u ask me. In glasgow it was all self delt. not sure about Newcastle may go down there instead from now on tbh.  
  • MMegabyteMMegabyte Member Posts: 334
    edited June 2011
    That's outrageous!!! I hope you at least get your buy-in back as you clearly didn't get the chance to play properly on a level playing field.
  • AJW1976AJW1976 Member Posts: 295
    edited June 2011
    lucky for most of u guys but i also play in a casino wont mention which one but they have another superb weirdo ruling which means it is this;

    1 :person A shuffles

    2:person B cuts

    3:person c deals..

    ASo all in all it takes 3 people to do the whole method of dealing out the cards around the table ..can casinos not get those logistical dealing machines and implement them instaed of having 3 people to deal all the time..

    I agree with op it gets very confusing and most putting off your game ...
  • AJW1976AJW1976 Member Posts: 295
    edited June 2011
    i also think  that process is very largely time consuming...
  • tapewormtapeworm Member Posts: 432
    edited June 2011
    In Response to Re: A horrible experiance thats left me completey disillusioned:
    In Response to Re: A horrible experiance thats left me completey disillusioned : to be honest its difficult for me to get dealer delt games. In almost all my local casinos all poker games bar their big monthly ones are self delt. Their cash ttables at one of them are dealer delt which i enjoy the other you have to pay an extra £2 per hour ontop of £3 per hour for use of chips, tables and cards etc and then you have your rake. Its daft if u ask me. In glasgow it was all self delt. not sure about Newcastle may go down there instead from now on tbh.  
    Posted by The_Don90 have to pay for use of chips, tables, cards and dealer.......rake on top as well?????
  • AMYBRAMYBR Member Posts: 3,432
    edited June 2011
    Only read OP post here Don.

    Quick question.  Each table deals for a permanent player dealer, determined by high card right?  Then this horrific situation with the Q's came about because the dealer that had been determined by high card determined you werent calling on river with top set, also correct?

    If this is so I think you took this lieing down to easy,  I would strain to put across to official TD what actually happened, looking for a neutral ally in one of your tyable mates, then requested a new player dealer or that exhisting player dealer be reprimanded/spoken to.  His actions that you state are utterly ridiculous and totally bad form.  If he'd dealing, thats all he should be doing when not involved with the hand.  Another player wants to call clock or any such thats fine.  But he should be waiting on your action, rather than pre-emptively ruling it.

    This is a disgusting setup. 

    One thing to mention.  Many casino dont allow a permanent player designated dealer these days, simply down to collusion and cheating.  Most have adopted a 2 or so orbit change.  Wherever it is your playing seems to have some pretty bad practices.  The only place I know that still designates a player dealer is Leeds.
  • AJW1976AJW1976 Member Posts: 295
    edited June 2011
    In Response to Re: A horrible experiance thats left me completey disillusioned:
    Only read OP post here Don. Quick question.  Each table deals for a permanent player dealer, determined by high card right?  Then this horrific situation with the Q's came about because the dealer that had been determined by high card determined you werent calling on river with top set, also correct? If this is so I think you took this lieing down to easy,  I would strain to put across to official TD what actually happened, looking for a neutral ally in one of your tyable mates, then requested a new player dealer or that exhisting player dealer be reprimanded/spoken to.  His actions that you state are utterly ridiculous and totally bad form.  If he'd dealing, thats all he should be doing when not involved with the hand.  Another player wants to call clock or any such thats fine.  But he should be waiting on your action, rather than pre-emptively ruling it. This is a disgusting setup.  One thing to mention.  Many casino dont allow a permanent player designated dealer these days, simply down to collusion and cheating.  Most have adopted a 2 or so orbit change.  Wherever it is your playing seems to have some pretty bad practices.  The only place I know that still designates a player dealer is Leeds.
    Posted by AMYBR

    YEH but its so cack that casino charges a massive rake and wants you to deal and make it look like a fruggin circus when it takes 3 people all in all around the table just to get dealt one hand of cards....

    I know at victori a in london casino they implement card shuffling machines why can they not implement these around the country in all the casinos?...

    take it from me that would elimininate any forthcoming confusion about fair dealing principles and cheating etc.
  • AJW1976AJW1976 Member Posts: 295
    edited June 2011
    In Response to A horrible experiance thats left me completey disillusioned:
    Last night i went up to the casino (i wont mention what one due to the circumstances) but I've literally never seem a situation like this one. Most people know i always use a card protector. Thats so i know if theirs any hassles i have a leg to stand on. Yesterday was no different. Although the situation was. Im drawn my table. I already know theres groups in this casino. But usually they have a little bit of banter and a laugh. There was 4 people id never met before last night, they where all drawn onto my table. From the way they spoke they where clearly regulars however it just might be tha wehn ive been there theyve had a nightoff. One of these 4 draw the K of spades as the highest card and has to deal. The guy doesnt seem to mind, and tbh i dont either as i hate dealing while im playing it effects my game badly. Suffle up and deal is sounded and we're off, first hand im UTG and would fold 99% of hands but being delt Qc Qs was just too good to pass up i raise 4.5BB. 2 callers. I know rraises arent normally respected in this place i actually expected 3 callers minimum to this or a re-raise from a LAG guy on the button. The flop comes 2d 7c Ts I bet one guy folds. The other calls. Turn Qh Again i bet and the guy calls. River 4s I check to get a bet which comes and before i can do anything the dealer hands the other guy the pot. Before he takes it in i say Wait i still have cards and im still in the hand. Now im not sure but im pretty sure i have the nuts here. The dealer says, you clearly have nothing and your going to fold, im not waiting around. I say ok then im all in. Dealer says, but your cards are now dead. I replied I still have my cards right here (i point to them) and their protected see (point to the card protector). The dealer says that doesnt matter as hes declared my hand is dead. He calls over the TD. The TD wasnt the guy who i knew to be the TD he was another guy, although he looked official id spoke to the guy who booked me in before and he was the usuall TD. This guy says i should protect my cards, i ask him to come to my seat nicley (while being very rattled admitedly) and point that i still have my cards and their protected. He said the clearly wherent at all times. I said i think ull find they where and requested him to check the cameras. He refused. I lost my bet for the call and get the rest of my chips back (1/4 of starting stack.). This sends me into some serious tilt which i never recovered from. I was angry, very angry. I try and keep focused but after this every time i raise the opponent from the 1st hand asks " who raised" the dealer would say me. After 6 times (roughly) of this i pipe up. Now at this point Ive lost a pot on the river with the nuts, ive not hit a single flop once. Ive had my 20BB 4bet called 4way and got 3 all ins on a T high flop. So im rattled for multiple reasons, and i say, "youve asked this every time ive raised since the first hand. You clearly have something personal about me and the next word out your mouth is call. So just hurry up and call an dget it over with. Oh and dont think im not stupid youve not even looked at your cards yet." My lanuage wasnt quite as clean as that in honesty but its as close as i can type here. Sure enough he calls and still hasnt looked, but ive now got him on the edge. Turnbs out his 63os flops a straight. Im left with 1700 chips from a 10K starting. I go all in with AT. The again asks who raised. Before dealer can state anything "me im all in you clearly want my bounty, so come and get it" he calls again without looking. I exit on this hand. Rather relieved tbh. However in a situation like this. Mostly the first hand one. Is there anything i can do in honesty? I love poker, i love live poker, but after this i'm not sure i ever want to look at a game of cards again. Its really sucked alot of life out of me. Ok you can say its only a £25 tourny onto the next one. But ive always had principles and honour and this has just made me lose faith in it all. I felt it was rigged, and if i felt a live poker game was rigged in a casino, then how can i trust anything.
    Posted by The_Don90
    I cannot think of any reason why dealer who was obviously a player too yes? had regarded your hand dead or mucked, yu hadnt folded nor had u had your cards unprotected at any time. I would have insisted the casino cameras be looked at in all cases and if not i would ask for a refund for the tourney and quit playing there since the guy obviously didnt like you.

    The job of the casino floorman /or woman is adament here to oversee any such complaints or errors the the dealing or general nature /wellbeing of the tourney..It is thier job to ensure the tournament is run smoothly and proficiently and it is in thier best interests to maintain good relationships and standings with thier players etc.

    Each casino can be run /dealt differently ,you obviously picked a bad one..with some oviously bad unskilled players who totally went against the rules.
  • monkey123monkey123 Member Posts: 590
    edited June 2011

    I would of gave them something to chuck me out for if that happened to me
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited June 2011
    Ty for all responces guys. Yeap thats the standard Tapeworm. Ambyr the rule is one dealer per blind level, i tilted off before level 2. I did try to fight about the situastion and i looked for the guy who i normally see as a TD but i couldnt find him, and for obvious reasons didnt want to leave the table while i still held my QQ. Ive asked for secuirty footage to be looked at but all floor staff are refusing. They have refused to refund me i phoned before explaining and they said it was my own fault for not protecting my cards.

    Ill doupt ill be back.
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,123
    edited June 2011
    shocking don!

    btw i have never played can anyone tell me what a card protector is please
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