If you wanna show everyone you've done well just paste the result from the tourny lobby, say "ul to xxxx who played really well heads up" (even if they didn't), everyone will say well done and we can all move on!
In Response to Re: In torno play wager query : The reason Aussie didn't use a capital is because he was still talking from his original post ;o) The reason he didn't use a full stop, is because he hasn't stopped yet... you can trust me on that one ;o) Posted by JockBMW
It's a brag post! If you wanna show everyone you've done well just paste the result from the tourny lobby, say "ul to xxxx who played really well heads up" (even if they didn't), everyone will say well done and we can all move on! wp! haha TKP beat me to it ^^^^^^^^^^^^ +1 neway. Posted by DOHHHHHHH
If im honest i cant believe the cheek of even posting this!
Firstly you have just binked £1200 anyways then you expect the person to pay up? its not like anyone you know said it and/ or you may have taken literally when probably just a bit of banter or him berating you
Why do you think i did a print screen on it! i dont print screen every chat!! you have seen it Jock u deleted it. 1- because i got annoyed with his comments 2- i felt like i could win the torno 3- if i did win then post it and see what his response is! Posted by Richman08
Actually Rich, i didn't see it, all images have to be approved by Sky, and it hadn't been approved when I deleted the original thread.
Anyway the purpose of this subsequent thread was for you to gain opinions on wether the individual should pay you. i think it's fairly clear than not many people feel that you should be paid. As you have your answer from the forum I am going to close this thread now as it would serve no further purpose to keep it open.
If you wish to pursue this matter further then you will have to do it with the individual in question.
... very funny jockmoped....
moving on.........................
Firstly you have just binked £1200 anyways then you expect the person to pay up? its not like anyone you know said it and/ or you may have taken literally when probably just a bit of banter or him berating you
how many other songs are there with moving in the title????
Its about if from bets at the table should people keep there word??
Most of us are gamblers and always making these type of bets!
Like agreements when u go play live and both doing well and u decide to split say 80/20 on each - its about backing up your word is it not!
Why did that guy make that comment??? because he thought i had no chance so he was safe- wrong boyo!