Now i have been playing poker for around 2 years now and i am pretty much breaking even, maybe down a few hundred dollers. However i can honestly say i almost never calculate pot odds or percentages when playing online? Although i do no how to calculate odds etc, i am still unaware as to what to do when i have worked out my % of winning? How do i know whether to call or raise etc???
This leads me onto my main question as to how important is it to calculate odds and percentages when playing online??
Pot odds have there own place which imho is fairly limited in the game.
An instance where it is important is heads up against someone with the river card to come.
You are 4 cards to the nut flush no pairs on board.
Pot is 1000 (take make the math easier) and its 200 to make the call.
There fore you are getting 6/1 on your money and the odds of you hitting are 9/46
So your getting good value to make the call
Change it round to 800 in the pot and 200 to make the call and it becomes a marginal call
This is the general idea anyway. Other people will be able to explain it better but in short, they are very important if you want to become a winning player.
if the flush hits you lose if opponent has flush draw but if it doesnt hit, you win - how much should you bet?
if u bet 500, your opponent will have to put 500 into a 1500 pot to see the river - so he's getting 3 to 1 on his money on a very roughly 4 to 1 shot
if he makes the call a lot of times, he loses money and if u bet and get called a lot of times in the same situation, you win, regardless of the outcome of each hand
if you bet 200, your opponent has to bet 200 to win 1200 so 6 to 1 on his money on the 4 to 1 chance - in this situation, its profitable to draw and unprofitable to make the bet
to sum up, you want to be making decisions that if you make 100000 times, you will end up winning
to do that, u need maths
i've deliberately ignored implied odds to make the example simpler but basically, you can call profitably if you dont quite have the odds on the assumption when you make your draw you will make more money on the river
The thing that people get caught up on is the fact that mathematics needs to be allied to reads on opponent as well. Pot odds only exist when you are behind and looking to improve/go ahead. When you are ahead and know it then the important thing here is to give your opponent the wrong odds to call or brilliant odds to call when you suspect they have a dead draw.
The main thing to always do though is to keep it simple to make your decisions easier. A good tip here is after folding your hand imagine you are still in the pot and try to work out whether you are getting the odds to call based on the betting of the live players.This will get you into the habit of calculating quickly until it will almost become second nature to you.
if you have'nt got it try and read sklansky's theory of will improve you no end...imo
You now need to pay £2000 for the chance to win £2000 1:1
Therefore you need a 50% chance to win to breakeven - which an Open Ended Straight Draw is not
Math is a fundamental aspect of the game, even for pure feel players.
Not to be outdone the first reply contains, "Pot odds have there own place which imho is fairly limited in the game." unbelievable.
I watch alot of poker on the tv and online etc...i know ppl become 'pot committed' by the amount of chips that they have put into the pot, however what i dont understand is that sometimes the player knows he is losing(albeit on a gut feeling), but because he is 'pot committed' he calls anyway, why do they do this? why lose more chips just because its the right thing to do?
Ignore maths and you cannot win at poker.