The last week or 2 I have noticed more and more players playing loose than a loose thing from planet loose.They seem prepared to call a raise with anything, even call an allin and don't appear to have a fold button. Tonight I got knocked out of the £150 deepstack after about half an hour. I'd sat quiet for the first couple of levels and the this happens. Hand before mine villain calls an allin with A 6 off. he loses hand but i have my notes now. Next hand I get AQ off and raise 4x. Villain shoves allin and I call , he turns over K 7 off and spikes the King on river. Thats me down 4500 chips. This seems to have happened about 3 times in the last week or so.It's all very well the likes of the analysts saying I would win in the long run, it doesn't help when thats another tourney I'm out of. Last nights DS was just as crazy with players on my table constantly going all in with 30/40/50 x BBs.This has seriously tilted me tonight so what can I do to counter this crazy play and how do you deal with it?
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Shipdchips I like your solution!
AA vs any u want a call right - (except deepie on monday at Lv2 (BB is 40) whare we get it allin pre - he show 42 of clubs??? - flop 442!)
AA vs 88 & QJ & k7 & 33 & KJ (happened about 2 weeks ago - in a deepie all 6 allin pre) are your odds of winning the hand & staying in the tourney better than 50%?
I Know the reply that if u win u get a hugh stack - SO WHAT? u lose it later to a bod calling ur AK/AQ etc raises with J7 & binking a 7 & never folding regardless of betting action.
OP has my sympathies
reverse it and you wouldnt be thinking oh they got Aces they never win so im gonna call
If I raise with AQ in a deepstack and get 3 bet shoved I would consider folding, I don't want to risk 4500 chips which is probably about 55 or 65 BB deep with A high in which I am at best a 60/40 fave but could well be up against AA KK QQ or AK
I don't think you need to take a race so early
Surley you want a nutter comming onto ur table and offering you free moneys.
You are a good player and good at deepstacks so I would keep at it, you will win over time and get the odd suck out.
1st hand DYM £3.30 All-in pre after re-raises & more re-raises with my QQ - 2 callers 66 & KJ ?
5th hand £2.20 DYM oppo is min raising every hand, I 3-bet to 250 (blinds still at 20) calls pre with 102s. I hit tptk & c-bet he raises with absolute air - I shove - he calls? hits runner runner suit for flush.
Might as well play roulette