It's an 8 o'clock start this evening for our live broadcast. We have 4 hours of pokertainment for you with the £5K Sky Roller and £12K Sky Sports Bounty Hunter as the centre-pieces.
We're also on Sky Sports 4 live from 10pm.
Steering you through the chaos will be myself and The Raiser, Ian Fraser- so expect plenty of nonsensical Cockney expressions ;-)
Following on from my Trev Harris comp at the weekend where he described footy players and you had to guess as many as poss in 30 seconds- we'll do it again tongiht with Ian except this time it'll be famous poker players.
If you'd like to be on the show tonight and play
Fraser's Fame Game
then drop us an email on skyopen@bskyb.com along with your phone number and we'll do the rest. Highest score tonight wins a free entry to this Saturday's £5K GTD Open worth £22!
We have another prize to give away tonight-a TSP Classic seat to a tourney of your choosing- it's for our favourite post or email tonight, so send us your usual stuff plus answers to the following question-
What's the most memorable thing you ever ran away from?
A wasp? Your missus? A restaurant after not paying the bill? A stage-play just as it was your turn to speak? A blind date? A poker game? A wild bear?
Tell us the story in a few lines and I'll read them out!
Get 'em in!
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Had to switch to the netbook last night so no railing for me as the chat box wouldn't fit. Nice new card in there now though, and managed to semi-fix the old one (use at own risk).
many many moons ago when I was a youngster, and dabbling in Acid, a late night at the infamous Bishops in Elgin, home at 4.30, quick change into my postman uniform and a walk to work.....................slightly still hallucigenic , I was chased down the hill and along pathway for 500 yards by...........................
and its big beady eye was eying me up for breakfast........
just when you think my stories couldnt get any worse!!!!
Congratulations to Ian on his recent cashes in Vegas BTW.
Back in my teenager years (about 10 years ago), me and my best mate gate crashed a party at a posh girls house from school. No boys were invited and there was no alcohol on the premises as her Dad was very strict! So after we turned up with a few cans, the party started!!
Everything was going well......until her Dad came back from a night out to check on things. After we were politely asked to vacate, my mate turned back at the gate and enquired if there was any chance of having our beers back. This didn't go down too well and her Dad started to chase after us. We ran like billyho to get away. Unfortunately, we did not know the area that well and ended up in some back alley and fearing the disgruntled Father was right behind us, dived into an unknown back garden. You can imagine our surprise when it was actually the back garden of the girls house!, oops. Run away, part two, began.
Nice to see 2 THS squddies on the show will drop Ian a pm and sign him up.
The most memorable thing I have ever run away from, would have to be when I was a young lad at a charity football match, when this mini bus turned up and out got Jaws from the james bond movie I ran all the way home.
Have you emailed in your phone numbers yet, so you can guess the poker players from Ian's descriptions for Saturday night Open entry?
See you at 8!
did i play right ?? 387282575
HI Rich have a good show bud ,
now only if you get a chance you might give my dym comp a shout out ,
we have 80 players in it already ,
but registration still remains open .
IF you want more info on it maybe Handy Mandy might take a look
at the dym comp thread and give you the info on it .
ty in advance denis .
Evening Boys!!!!
I despise exercise and in particular running!!
However I recently found myself running away from Tikay at SPT Leeds when the old dear was trying to get me to commentate on the live feed....
I managed to skillfully dodge Tikay & LML for 4 hours before blindly running into the wall known as Tighty...How can you miss a man the size of Tighty FFS???..the man is a machine!!!!!
After 8 hours of John Smiths, the ensuing slurring commentary was tremendous fun for me, but car crash tv for the live feed viewers...
I vaguely remember comments like:-
"Why are you all folding like girls?"
singing "where's yer chipstack gone, where's yer chipstack gone, far, far away"
and finally "I can't understand 'hurdy-gurdy..translator please!!!" to anyone i interviewed speaking Scottish, Welsh or Geordie'
P.s. Get it right Rich!!!!
MADE4GAME was always a member of TKP!!!
TKP currently have the most cashes in the 51k challenge, and are currently leading the challenge by about 2k
Team 51 have the most members (at 51)
(s)hit Squadders & Team Poker Tervs are currently joint leaders in the Forum DTD on Mondays, but TKP are working on this...
Also Rich, as you are still part of TKP, should you wish to transfer teams, It will cost you .56p...
That is all