Please, please, please make sure than when any cash is distributed from the bubble, it all goes to the bubble player. The 50%, 30%, 20% idea was non-sensical. An 11 runner field - 1 winner, then 3 cash amounts less than the buy-in - madness!
At least the bubble cash bonus used to be a decent consolation, now it's pointless.
Just wanted to post this in plenty of time, so that someone doesn't make the same mistake again for next year. Adding a poll.
But in an 11 runner field it is redic.
Solution?... no idea
Top 6 got seats to the tounrmanet. But the top 15 all got paid. I think it went something like
1st - 6th : seats
7th - 14 : tournament entry fee
15th : Some money back.
i think this is a great idea that shopuld not only be introduced for VLV but GUKPT and SPT sats aswell.
Paerhaps a £50 fee tourney - 1 place in 200 would work better. Easier to sat in, but obv trickier to qualify (which means that the Sky names would be less likely to make it) - they can still run the 1K even once a month or so, to get their names there. And the cash bubble split in such a tournament might be fairer (given it's a £50 buy in).
Currently the poll split is 8 /8 , so it's clearly not a cut and dried issue. Alternate months, different rules, perhaps?
I didn't realise that when you have just over the 100 entries in a tournament it was possible to cash for less than entry fee. That needs to be sorted!
soften the blow a bit